If he senses that youve taken to wanting to be with him all the time or obsess about him; hell be ready to back up or out depending on how bad he may think it is. Even so, issues related to love and dating can be confusing at the best of times, especially as your situation is unique to you. By getting to know him better, you will be able to know his interest and will be able to know why do guys disappear for days and what to do to deal with it. It can be both from internal and external factors. If youre patient, youll see him slowly start to open up to you. Aquarius men are an eccentric bunch. Aquarius men are highly independent and rarely want to be tied down with commitments. I take time off from the outside world to be who I really am. For sure an aquarius trait. Im not saying you should hold your breath and hope a guy comes back to you, but if it does happen, it probably shouldn't be a huge shock. He does not think twice and relies more on his . (11 Possible Meanings), how to tell if an Aquarius man has a crush on you, Reasons Why Single is Better You Have to Know, reasons you should know and love yourself before you love someone else, how to solve misunderstanding between boyfriend girlfriend, why do guys disappear for days and what to do to deal with it. If his ex was too clingy or overly reliant on him, he is unlikely to go back to her after a breakup. When an Aquarius man suddenly goes hot and cold with you, its highly likely that hes overwhelmed with the intensity of his feelings and simply not ready to let themselves be emotionally exposed. It's a daily ego boost that's definitely . If you want specific advice on your situation, it can be very helpful to speak to a relationship coach. Before you assume and obsess over why you are not hearing from him, it would probably save you a lot of time if youd just ask him whats going on. (They're also entirely capable of dropping a connection completely). That can sometimes mean cutting a partner off from texting, calling, or spending time together. Aquarians are goal-oriented visionaries. Blessings to you! Please be specific. The lines sometimes get blurry and he has trouble staying just friends with that person. When an Aquarius man goes cold in a relationship, it's usually due to one of the following reasons: He's lost interest in you. Do you really want to be with someone who just leaves you hanging without so much as an explanation? That doesnt mean he wants to break up necessarily but in essence, hes trying to teach his partner how to treat him. Even though both of you have been together for long but, you should be able to know and realize that he as his own life too. Most Aquarius men are perfectly fine being on their own. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Aquarius man is a bit unique. Youre also most receptive to his love. If youve been dating an Aquarius man and he suddenly pulls away, its possible that he doesnt think youre compatible. They have already made a choice to remove themselves from your life. Just like the crustacean that symbolizes their sign, they protect their soft interiors with hard, sturdy armor. Sometimes, space is what he needed, not a breakup. And it will only make people fall into false hope and get hurt at the end of the day. You feel like his safe space to him, which is more than any casual hook-up can say. For more information, please see our All Aquarius men are not exactly the same. They prefer living a solitary lifestyle and not having to answer to anyone but themselves. When he chooses friends, he does so carefully to make sure that no matter what, they stay loyal to him. He has to take inventory to figure out if this person is the one or if he should give it up. When he keeps coming back to you, its very likely that he still remembers the very first time you went out together, and he probably still reminisces about it. Aquarius men do love their independence, even if they seem attached to you. There are a few reasons why he may clam up or pull back when hes in a relationship. Aquarius disappears and comes back . Its true that your Aquarius man has a tendency to lose himself in the future, but he also has a huge thirst for it. An Aquarius man loves a woman who is busy, ambisius, clever, independent, and active. I take time off from the outside world to be who I really am. Even if you seem to be hitting it off, if an Aquarius man hasnt gotten over his ex, its highly likely that he will come crawling back to her if the chance presents itself. If he keeps coming back to you, it's because he likes being with you because youre like that respite from the craziness of the world; you make him feel sane when he cant do it himself. That being said, an Aquarius man will come back to you if he feels that you are the one. He is likely to throw a temper tantrum and demand you to give him 2 more weeks or 2 more months of your time. Their hot and cold persona can have them changing their minds on a whim. Once you're no longer together, they realize just how much they missed that signature Aries wild streak of spontaneity and confidence. Aquarius doesn't have a long punch list of things that he looks for in a partner. Will an Aquarius man come back after a relationship ends? Sagittarius is always looking for that one person that can be the other half of his dynamic duo. The best advice I can give to you is to relax and be yourself. This is normal for Aquarius men because they get fixated on the people they love. If the relationship truly wont work, he wont want to rekindle it. When an Aquarius man pulls a disappearing act, they give no hints, they just stop talking and stop being available. So when he shares a memory that has a positive emotional tie to it, hes really letting you know that he missed you and wanted to reconnect. How did you handle it? Welcome to my blog about the Aries man. Because of what hes been through, Aquarius men often have a lot of baggage that life has given them. When he feels like hes giving too much of himself in a relationship but not getting appreciated for his efforts, he may take a step back and reevaluate the whole relationship. The same thing might also happen to your Aquarius man. Well, yes they can disappear if they are upset but that doesnt mean theyll stay in hiding particularly if they are in love. Being well rounded will help you succeed in making sure you understand him better. 1) He will try to find out if you are independent. An Aquarius man may break up with his partner only to realize later that he made a mistake. In that case, you can just make this a reminder that youre not going anywhere, and hes going to have to come back. Aquarius hates the whole idea of working for others and wants short hours or none. Theyre always looking ahead, and they love making plans for the future. The more you'll hold on to what you two used to have, the more he'll try to distance himself from you, not to mention how much he hates drama, arguments and being stabbed in his back. Personally, I get so emotionally exhausted from being someone that I'm not around my friends and my fraternity. If he stays friends with his ex, hell be able to see if she makes any changes to her life that might make a relationship with her easier. 7. Put your guard down and be open to the possibility that hes ready to make a commitment to you again. He gets over stuff very quickly and doesn't like to carry baggage. Fortunately, understanding more about the traits and characteristics of a guy's zodiac sign can help you to figure the puzzle out. Thats how you get to his heart. He knows that his problems with commitment can be a headache (especially if hes around one moment and gone the next, but having someone like you make him feel less weird about it makes you special. If you want to know how to tell if an Aquarius man misses you, it wont always be obvious. You intrigue him with your honesty and curiosity, and he cant help but go back for more. Here are more tips when your Aquarius man comes back. Instead of wasting more time analyzing this persons actions, it might be best to redirect your energy towards your own life. He wants to be whole all by himself. Because their hopes and dreams are so important to them, they realize that your hopes and . And when boredom dominating the relationship, it might come to an end. If you need to impress a Gemini on a first date then go for excitement. Hopefully, youve learned a lot about signs that your Aquarius man is ready to come back to you and how you can get him back. Why do Aquarius men come back to their exes? It can take a long time to open up and when he does he may seem stilted or uncomfortable, but it's only because he opens up to few people and doesn't have much practice sharing his heavy feelings. If he keeps coming back to you, its because he doesnt see this grounded personality in anyone else hes interested in. Try not to take it personally. In this case, you have to give yourself your own closure. Instead, just relax and let him see the real you again. He'll jump ship when things don't go the way he wants. When he sees youre too emotionally charged, he may very well shut down thus not be hearing or comprehending what youre telling him. I LOOOVE my friends but I just need my alone time and get a little angry when they don't respect that. Here are 15 ways to tell if he'll come back. Unless something big changes, that is always going to be a flaw in your relationship. All he really cares about is finding someone he can call his best friend and his other half. Hanging with people constantly are exhausting and I just like to do my thing without having to deal with my friends discussing their private lives and what to do etc etc. But how can you know hes working on himself for you? Disappear. Share your story (or situation) with our community in the comment section below (dont worry, its anonymous). Aquarius men love independent women that do not need to be attached at the hip with him at all times. They can always find someone new to fill the void they felt when they left you in the first place. Then after this period do you jump into being extremely active? this seems to the partner that hes cold and has possibly broken it off. So when your guy comes back to you, with no hard feelings or bitterness, he needs to make sure that you know that hes changed as well. Find out more about the mysterious Aquarius man by clicking here! Making a person jealous may sound like a bit of a game to play, but it can be such a good way to get a Sagittarius man back. Simply put, it's hard for Cancers to open up. 1. He will stop making an effort and slowly detach himself from you. If he always seems to be coming back to you, its most likely because you are the closest thing to an amusement park that a person can get. RELATED:How To Keep A Virgo Madly In Love With You, Per Astrology. I have learned not to take it personal, however I would like to get more insight on what it is you do during the disappearing period. Hell only remain friends if he still truly wants you in his life. What an Aquarius Man Needs in a Woman (13 Potent Qualities), Are Aquarius Men Jealous? He's very much like a little kid who does not want to grow up and will go out of his way to avoid responsibility. He can see the good qualities in you, and the little details that you might have missed. So youll have to make sure that you can handle being a tad bit more nurturing than normal. If someone is into you, he will make an effort, and if not, you need to stop investing mental energy in him and redirect your attention to your goals. If all of this sounds like the Aquarius man who loves you is returning your feelings, then hes ready to rekindle his relationship with you. Leos are leaders, but they also care very deeply what their partner thinks of them. His objective is to find the one and no one else will do. Capricorn has a very wizarding sixth sense. RELATED:How To Make An Aquarius Man Obsessed With You. Hes just waiting for you to realize that without him it doesnt feel like the same thing anymore. This can make a partner feel as though hes being cold or keeping her at arms length. Its sort of a social reset. Hello Astrogirls! This is a dangerous game because you will find yourself in the middle of a tug-of-war match. Your Aquarius man to pulls the disappearing act? He Doesn't Feel Comfortable What you usually do when you feel the environment surround you make you feel uncomfortable? When there is conflict, they like to resolve it quickly. It means that hes been looking at you in a different way, acting differently, and trying to use new tactics to draw you back. Aquarius men love the feeling of freedom and being able to move through life without boundaries. When an Aquarius man feels like hes losing his individuality, hell likely pull back and retreat. Aries are good listeners; so listen. Get An Accurate Prediction Today, The Best (And Worst) Zodiac Compatibility For Each Sign. A guy who loves you and cares for you will not leave you wondering why. If he keeps coming back to you, its because the people hes casually dating just arent working out and hes slowly realizing you may be the one. Aquarius doesnt have a long punch list of things that he looks for in a partner. The more different from me people are the more exhausting it is to hang out with them. Make the first move if you both have already taken your connection to a physical level. Youre passionate and sexy, and you have a big heart just pouring with love. If he comes back to you asking to get back together, though, he misses you. He has friends. They have such big egos that if they can see you are happy elsewhere with another person, they will do all they can to get you back. For better or for worse, you will find yourself bumping into your ex every now and again. He logs off of Facebook and doesnt message you. He wants to improve. He also thinks in terms of right now so hes not the most patient of people. I'll keep this short I've had a decent, platonic meeting with the perfect girl for a day due to an extent. They'll never get over you, and they were never really into . He doesnt want to be in a relationship like that. Sometimes, a relationship ends because of a misunderstanding or a fundamental breakdown in communication. If all you two ever did was argue, hes not going to come back to you. Theyve been incredibly helpful in the past when Ive needed guidance on my love life, and theyll certainly be able to help you with your Aquarius man as well. You like those awkward first dates and making each other blush just as much as you like meeting his friends and sleeping over at each others places. Some men can be very guarded and closed when it comes to expressing how they feel - it can almost feel like they are pulling away from you and leaves you wondering whether he's actually into you. He Loves Me Or Nah? RELATED:How To Keep A Taurus Man Madly In Love With You, According To Astrology. Yeah this is a common Aquarius thing to do. So be yourself around him, and then dont overthink it. RELATED:How He Communicates His Feelings, According To His Zodiac Sign. They dont like to rely on other people. Sometimes, its because there was a specific flaw in the relationship that ended it, and that flaw gets resolved. Having that freedom to be someone outside of a relationship is huge for him. by Scorp42. You might not be able to know the exact reason but, you can predict and decided to take the right response on how to react to it. Aquarius men are highly ambitious. All he really cares about is finding someone he can call his best friend and his other half. My best (female) friend is also an Aquarius and she disappears all the time. This will help you make a wise decision about whether you should take him back or refuse to be tempted by him again and simply move on. They dont like to have too much conflict in their relationships. Dont give him any power over you. Youre also open with him about your own life, which shows him that love and intimacy dont have to be so scary. Theyre generally driven by reason, and they rarely let their emotions drive the steering wheel of their lives. He Values His Freedom More Aquarius men are highly ambitious. Do you really want to waste it building a wall of anger, bitterness, and resentment when you could be devouring new experiences, opportunities, and adventures? 7 Important Things to Make an Aquarius Man Commit, 10 Signs an Aquarius Man Has a Crush On You. But when he begins to talk about the good old days, hes just trying to let you know that his future was never about leaving you. There's a good. When theyre falling in love with someone, they have a tendency to withdraw themselves from the budding relationship. An Aquarius man might hesitate to enter into a serious relationship for fear that it might distract him from his personal goals and humanitarian mission. He tells you he wants to see you, and then disappears for days. Is Your Aries Man Playing Mind Games With You. Anything done in deceit won't last. If you dont share the same beliefs, goals, and sense of humor, your relationship is not likely going to work out. Aquarius men dont compromise their values even when theyre in love. Aquarius men also have a propensity to withdraw themselves when they think theyre getting too emotionally attached. Why do they do this? While that's true for most of their exes, there are three zodiac signs Scorpio will likely regret breaking up with. So needless to say, his fiery side can be pretty intoxicating you know, the side he only shows off completely in the bedroom. Emily Ratay is a full-time writer living in Pittsburgh who is passionate about the environment and feminism and knows that anything is possible in the right pair of shoes. Bring up the good old days and how exciting it is that he wants you back again now. In other words they are famous for their passive aggressive tantrums. For example, if youve mentioned how much you miss your family, he will likely want to know why. Pisces is looking for that fairytale love thats full of romance and passion, and hell readily admit that to anyone who listens. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. The good times can only return if he is around. One of the fence. So, knowing that communication problem may lead into a big problem to a relationship then communication way need to be fixed so to prevent such things to be happened. They value their freedom and want to have adventures. Find out to see whether he actually likes you by taking this quick free quiz. So dont be overly confident about the fact that this time he really does want you back. He will just hold it in until someone actually asks then hell tell them. He has his freedom. Hes not one that likes to be with someone opposite unless hes trying to experiment out of curiosity. Aquarius men have a bad habit of not saying what they mean, and now that hes busy getting your attention again, hell likely become even quieter than before. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. 5. They're the funniest and most melancholy partners. If youd like, you can learn more about me on this page here. Does anyone else randomly take a couple weeks off of your social life? They are passionate and they always want to follow their passions. He might be calling you, texting you, and even asking your friends how youre doing. If you broke up because of a difference in values or a huge personality clash, those might not be flaws he can ever look past. He will start dropping subtle hints into conversations, which are almost impossible to pick up on unless youre looking for them. If you thought there was no way back for your two, think again. OP, what preceded him leaving? So, naturally, he comes back to you because he knows that youll always be there for him as a friend if things dont work out. Sometimes when an Aquarius man dumps you, its for good and hes not going to change his mind. So give him a chance to feel like he has the space to move around without any restrictions. This is especially the case if hes with a clingy and needy partner. Not only applicable to feelings, but a lot of things in life also happen for a reason. Yes. Aquarius men dream big. If you have broken up with him and he comes over unannounced to catch up, thats a pretty good sign that your Aquarius mans coming back to you. Press J to jump to the feed. You just have to accept it, move forward, and focus on making a masterpiece out of your life. Dont go begging for closure. 1. Biggest Difficulties To Overcome When Dating An Aquarius Man. If you did something to betray him, he is unlikely to want to come back to you. This kind of theory is wrong. Sometimes when an Aquarius man keeps leaving and coming back to the same person, its because he stays friends with them. I learned this the hard way after reading about these kinds of men on the many web sites about Taurus men. This means that an Aquarius man wont get back into a relationship with somebody just for the sake of being in a relationship. You could say this about a few zodiac signs, but Capricorn knows better than anyone that relationships arent a walk in the park. When an Aquarius man is done with you for good, he wont stay friends with you. That said, if your Leo man is ignoring you and you don't seem to know what to do, here are a few steps you can take to get him on your side again. This is absolutely a normal Aquarius thing which Im sure you understand if you are also Aquarius. Yeah this is a common Aquarius thing to do. People born under the water bearer sign pursue their dreams fearlessly. were actually infamous for ghosting and flaking haha. He wants to keep you in his life for as long as possible, and being in a romantic relationship might mess things up. Sometimes you can figure out if he wants something more just by setting aside your pride and asking him what his intentions are with you. Much like any human being, an Aquarius man might need to take some time to put his own needs first and reconnect with his most authentic self. If this is the case, heres whats probably going on: He wants to keep tabs on you while hoping that at some point in time, hell change his mind and get back together with you. Because that means that your ex will want to be around you more, which opens up the chance for him to come back to you. Hes like a big kid that doesnt want to be told what to do by anyone. And what sign are you? You may not even hear from them for a while unless their personal issue is resolved. He will always be his own person, even in a relationship. This secret text message will make an Aquarius man addicted to you. Gemini (May 20 - June 21) Gemini is both the most fickle and the most loyal sign. It really works better to know their chart work up to know how stable or unstable they are. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 6. Aquarius women like to date, but it has to be on their terms. For example is your ignorance on why an aquarius man disappears. Capricorn. He chose to detach himself from you. and our Our community thrives when we help each other. He absolutely will. Speaking to one of their experienced advisors was a turning point for me, and I think it could be for you too. Youve already made your mistakes when you were dating, but that doesnt mean you have to start over completely from scratch. Thats why I recommend speaking to one of the gifted advisors over at Psychic Source. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Chances are pretty high that if he keeps coming back, then leaving, and then coming back again, hes dealing with some seriously conflicting emotions. No matter how strong-willed an Aquarius man is, he will have a hard time saying goodbye to you. He appreciates that you support him in anything he does and the fact that youre so patient with him when hes acting hot and cold doesnt go unnoticed around him. It's not because he doesn't love you or value the . 1) The Aquarius Man Gets Bored Easily The Aquarius man is a fun-loving guy, at times childish and silly but gets bored easily. Good luck. Give it time and hell definitely do the sweet-talking for you. If you were too clingy with your Aquarius ex, hes probably not going to want you back. its the classic aquarius disappearing act!!! If he keeps coming back to you, it's because you make him want to get out of his comfort zone and see the scary parts of love as exciting and worth it all. Like just focus on work, school, hobbies, etc solo? Dont chase after him. Once you stop trying to hold on so tight, everything else will fall into place. Often these men like to do what they like, when they like. You opened your heart, and they didnt even have the decency to give you closure. He will want to work out your differences with you and try to make things better between you. His Aquarius love language is acts of service. He really isnt trying to be a hard-ass really, he just wants to be sure too much emotion isnt thrown into the mix. Unless you share the same values and on the same wavelength, its doubtful that an Aquarius man will stick around. We usually dip when you disappointed us or we see no real value/done with you. Hell need to take some time to be alone. Among the three air signs, Aquarius is a fixed sign, meaning they may take a little longer to make that decision to leave, but once they do, it can happen out of nowhere. If he gets over those issues, he might come back to you looking for a second chance. If you find your Aquarius man pulling away from you, the best thing you can do is to give him the space he needs. Most men tend to conceal some parts of themselves to fit into societys expectations. Aquarius men are independent and strong-willed. What is the last thing you would tell an Aquarius man as soon as he returned your feelings? If he was feeling stifled, he might finally feel like he can finally go after his goals following a breakup. Aquarius men like get to know their partner deeply before seriously committing to them. Sometimes that is true and sometimes it isnt. He might have just needed a break, not a permanent end to the relationship. Like other zodiac signs, you and Pisces have probably known each other for a long time and are even possibly friends. They love speed, adventure as well as the beneficial outdoors. Virgo is very particular about the people he dates. Aquarius women like to do friends, he misses you wont want to work.... Get so emotionally exhausted from being someone that I & # x27 ; t go the way he wants break... 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