AMCD will consider much more than the information you submitted in MedXPress and your AMEs exam findings. In fact, it would be easier to get an approval with an assault record than for a DUI record. I say that based on the relative numbers discussed above. My first flightdoctor told me he was very happy about having pilots as clients. Required fields are marked *. I was dumb enough to tell them about my marriage counseling! Let me start with a word of advice: DONT DO IT. 13. This is to screen for diabetes and kidney disease. John is a Certified Flight Instructor, who for the past decade, has worked at flight schools teaching students of all ages how to fly and takes enormous pride and satisfaction seeing his students become licensed pilots. Actually, in some years there are 0 attributed to sudden incapacitation, such as heart attack or stroke. Please remember, he has a liability also. If you have a disqualifying medical condition, say unexplained loss of consciousness, you cant fly. By comparison, about that same number of deaths a year are caused by lightning strikes or even falling out of bed. In our experience, only a small minority of pilots actually try to maliciously conceal significant active medical problems. For over 50 years, pilots turned to Richard L. Collins for his unique perspective on the challenges and rewards of flying light aircraft. They want to approve, not deny medicals. How Likely is it that the FAA will Catch You? Bluskye, the FAA does not have the personnel to handle things quickly.. Make no mistake: Form 8500-8 is a legal instrument, unlike many other documents. How about an 83 year-old on medication for type II diabetes, depression, and senility taking medication for all 3 problems? Contact an aviation medical examiner (AME) early if you have doubts or questions. They yanked my 3rd class one time, because my personal physician mistyped a statement on his annual letter to the FAA. This is just as important an issue as the proverbial get homeitis problem so many flyers seem to have. 11-06-2013, 09:45 AM #7 ackattacker. Your signature at the bottom authorizes the FAA to search the National Drivers Registry for violations involving alcohol or illegal drugs, for instance, so you may want to think twice about trying to conceal a drunk driving conviction. After 7 years and three more third class medicals-the FAA medical office suddenly decided I had 30 days to provide all the records from a condition I had 20 years ago, or have my medical suspended. Expand the Sport Pilot Program and the sport aircraft class (Cessna 150, and other two seat trainers) and there will be no need to lie. I had to get TWO EKGs to satisfy FAA medical! No he should not have been grounded. I can tell you from experience that once the AME releases their pronouncement, nothing else occurs. I dont know if all pilots lie during medicals, but I do know of one who did. Also the FAA does check your National Driver Register/Record so make sure you keep your driving safe. Mr. Diabetes can still legally fly as a sport pilot. I am 55. I mean no offense, but other adults telling another adult whether or not to disclose something on a medical just doesn't seem right. I know a pilot who lost enough weight for his sleep apnea to disappear. If they can get and autopsy on the pilot, they look for blood levels of the medications found at the crash site as well as illicit drugs that might be found in the pilots blood. Would the FAA prefer people to auger in because they are depressed rather than get a medication. N Then, I initiated actions to get tested, never dreaming that FAA would punish me for being conscientious and wanting to be fully alert. The hypocrisy at the FAA hurts general aviation in lots of ways. TO LOW TO BAIL SO HAD TO TO FLY IT DOWN . They even asked me are you sure you never had epilepsy attacks?. His point is that no one requires commercial Instead, they send a letter asking for more information from you and your doctors. Taint worth messing up folks. All FAA medical certificate applicants are required to acknowledge that warning before submitting their application in MedXPress. Im a 24 year old healthy male non smoker athlete with 20/20 vision and I cant fly because I took adderal as needed for help concentrating in school. It is probably one of the most important benefits they offer their members. Gordon, He was a commercial pilot flying 727s. Can you say, Martha Stewart?, I do think that the First and Second class medical criteria should be more stringent.. Thats a good way to get into a LOT of trouble. Email me at [emailprotected]. However, if you do get caught, at best you will lose your license. This is why sometimes it becomes necessary to avoid telling the attending physician more than is necessary least the physician spin the whole condition in different light by making a mountain out of a mole hill, thereby destroying the flying career of the pilot for something that even the physician himself or herself is not sure about. Probably, we certainly arent as full of ourselves as I was when I was a young man. If a question comes up about whether or not a pilot is qualified to hold an FAA medical certificate, the application itself usually does not contain enough information for AMCD to make a truly informed decision. At worse, you may face a hefty fine or even criminal prosecution. The 1320 pound (600 Kg) limit is based on the European standard, I think. I lost my career as an airline pilot (major airline) and my life spiraled out of control. I can only speak from my personal experience as a pilot with a special issuance medical. I look at the FAA as the enemy trying to take my life away. It has caused unnecessary pain and inhibits its mission to promote aviation. With over 20,000 hours of real world experience, much of it in Cessna 172s and P210s, Collins wrote about safety, weather and air traffic control from first-hand experience. I do believe all of the ideas youve presented for your post. It is a good thing that there are no sport airplanes to rent in your location. Thats a great question, Ben. The FAA will then require more detailed medical information before they can determine if you qualify for a medical certificate. What makes an airplane as a machine so different. I confessed to marriage counseling and I got snagged for about $1k+ of testing. Yet, until recently, the FAA wouldnt allow any pilot to be treated with an SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor) a medication with an excellent safety record concerning accidents. It revealed an abnormality. I then had to take an echo, which revealed I was even healthier than I thought! The responsibility for a safe flight in my aircraft is mine not the AMES, and most certainly not the FAAs. Because you were probably the kid who sat at the front of the classroom and said yes teacher whatever you want teacher. Question 18m. Good pilots self certify before every flight and wise, old pilots know when its better to stay home. With $ 20.00 USD anything is possible down there and then just let the FAA go through hoops to find my one in a million medicals just to disqualify and pull my medicalwhich is fake after allwill give them and me something to do till I can think of some other ways to pass the time with the all mighty FAA. The problem is I was diagnosed with ADHD back when I was about 9. An example is the FAAs recent rule change on anti-depressant use. The FAA is able to see what medication a pilot has been subscribed because they have access to the national prescription database. About a week before I was suppose to be soloed I went for my medical and was told by my AME that I cant fly because I take adderal. The FAA makes it clear what counts as a disqualifying condition. He never lied. Willy post had only one eye should he have been grounded.??? Information on the certificate will be populated from data that has been entered into the electronic form. Im not sure what I think about all this but Ill tell you my story. The system is imperfect in many ways and should be fixed, I do not disagree with that. Its a basic truth of the human condition that everybody lies. I see my doctor at least once a year and sometimes twice he says Im healthy, But I dont trust the FAA. He petitioned the FAA to remove his special issuance for that disorder and supplied a letter from his treating physician, and the special issuance requirement went away. Case in point: A student pilot I was familiar with crashed his aircraft into the runway and killed himself after being arrested for drunk-driving the previous night. Give blood, nope, they do tests on it, might find something. And for the record, someone who is truly medically incapable of handling a C172 should not be driving on roads shared by schoolbuses, gasoline tanker trucks, etc. I am probably am the only one who will answer that I like to go for the medical because if forces me to go to the doctor. On the subject of medical self certification, read the announcement by the AOPA and the EAA. frankly I aint go no reason to lie,,,but anybody else wants to up to them,ur lic at stake..jus hope u dont endanger anybody else..if its serious..ur life at stake alsow/everybody else below youso happy flying w/clear consciousRex. All I wish is that they would figure out a way to distinguish between a lie and an honest omission. As for lying on the medical form, lies can be undiscovered for a lifetime of flying, but if there is an incident or accident, the FAA and/or NTSB will dredge up every doctor visit, medication, hospitalization they can. That is the FAA point of view. Hmmm Wiley Post was one of the great Aviators flue around the world was he Illeagle??? My father had passed his class 2 physical 3 weeks before having a massive heart attack and dieing at the ripe old age of 50. It was a more difficult process than if I had done it 20 years prior. Because of the Medical, no physician is my friend and neither are their nurses because they can enter accurate or inaccurate information into your record either one of which will condemn you. Irs Data Book, 2020. chances of getting caught lying on faa medical one of the medications used treat! The AME Guide clarifies the question by explaining that it means unexplained unconsciousness.. Get thorough guidance on how to proceed. If somebody had an experience with this, or knows somebody who has had that would be great if they are willing to share. But the feds harass pilots, not drivers, because they can get away with it with pilots but not with drivers. Insurance companies now have a way out of paying the claim and if there were passengers or other property damage involved now lawyers get involvedsomething to think about! Lie and get caught, you will lose your ticket, get fined, and possibly go to jail. Why would I want to go through the unbelievable hassle of explaining myself to a bunch of know-nothing bureaucrats and internal medicine doctors who dont know their ass from their elbow about depression beyond some laughably simplistic characterization of the disorder in a diagnostics manual? I am unconscious every night. This is left bundle branch block which is a stop as far as the CAA is concerned. Now Ive been unemployed for a couple months and who knows how long before some beaurucrat decides to actually look at my file snd say ok. Ive followed all the steps they dictated,all my tests and results are right on but because they wont simply look and see that Ive followed thrie rules and was honest,Im looking at becoming a burden to the system and living on public assistance until I get my medical back. I flew for 16 years in the Air Force with a known heart murmur that I know would preclude me form a civilian 1st class. FAA Disqualifying Conditions: Bipolar Disorder. Too much information could mean denial of the application and bureaucratic warfare with the FAA. N.C., one does not have the right to lie to the feds investigating an illegal act. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If one does lie this is an example of what could happen facing fines of up to $250,000,and possibly up to 5 years of federal imprisonment,and certificate revocation. No, of course you should not lie to your AME, but you should find one who knows how to work with you, and the FAA, to successfully maneuver around those inevitable issues which are bound to come up from time to time during a life of flying. Dental visits and visits to your AME need not be listed. Requesting Medical Records. See Also: Do Flight Schools Drug Test Students? My thought exactly: my last 3 medicals have consisted of please pee in this cup do you have any complaints? Anonomous, What Are the Chances of Getting Caught Lying on an FAA Medical? This article does not in any way counsel the reader as to how to appropriately respond to questions on the FAA medical application, nor does it give medical advice regarding the accuracy of the readers medical history. FAA needs to justify their man hours.with scapegoats. Let me repeat that, every single one, no exceptions. Personally, I feel that if I am medically safe enough to drive then I should be safe enough to fly. Brian, what about a medication that was rx when you were eight and havent taken for 20yrs? He knew it. With the impact these regulations and half-baked ideas have on our lives, economy, and national security in general it is time that federal employees comply with all the regulations the citizens that they regulate have to. They will also review how your current application compares to the ones you have submitted in the past and your driving record. Ones health does not distinguish between ones ability to pilot a 2 seater weighing 1320 lbs and a 4 seat airplane weighing 3500 lbs. Policy None of the above activities has any significant medical requirement. It is irrelevant whether the union itself has anything to do with the action. If your nephew had his medical denied for 10 years, he must have been found to have epilepsy. It sometimes gets people injured and sometimes gets people killed. WOW they had a conniption, and I lost my ticket for several months while they dithered. This in spite of my personal physician and the AMA specifically noting several times that it was a complete non-issue. In this application, you must disclose any information about a condition that has the potential to affect your eligibility to fly. There are folks flying with diabetes that are on insulin. If thats not a bigger threat to safety, I dont know what is. In the FAA world view you are not telling the truth. So if there is cause, e.g a call to the FAA's hotline, an investigation will occur, and these will be seen and rather quickly. I HAVE NEVER ACTUALLY TRIED FOR A MEDICAL OR A LISENSE AS FAR AS THAT GOES. Be careful that if you have seen your doctor and are responding yes to question 19 and your doctor diagnosed you with ADHD (or suggested that you had ADHD), you will also likely need to respond yes to question 18m. The AME can comment on the problem stating that it no longer exists and you are not on medication in the comments section on the 8500-8 and submit it along with the note from your counsellor to the FAA and go ahead and issue your Medical Certificate. The smart ones do. have you ever once in your life had and on the other hand they are so vague. One just hopes that the untruths are regarding minor medical issues they feel will disqualify them that wont compromise their safety as well as all others around them. It was good news. It can also ensure you keep flying for years to come. I can now only fly Sport due to a medical condition that will cause me to fail the third class medical exam if I take it. I do not think that there is anybody who does not lie or has not lied at one time or another. The guy who is lying about hypertension is making a huge mistake. My ex lied and never mentioned it. The relative numbers of fatalities in all of General Aviation (GA) vs those from other causes. Told the truth, The FAA took my license. And the FAAs restrictions regarding SSRIs effectively make it impossible for use by commercial pilots. Just do want everyone does to get into the military hide the truth. I hesitated to contact the FAA as I didnt want to deprive this man of his dream to be a pilot but the risk of harm to himself and to others was greater than His Dream so I sent a detailed letter. Pilots aged 50 and older also have an intermediate visual standard measured at 32 of 20/40 or better in each eye separately. In my opinion the medical standards of evaulating pilots needs to be changed in light of new treatments. If Im not successful, well, I will probably just put the dream to bed again. Global misunderstands that Procedure codes, diagnosis codes and pharmacy codes were denied protections under to ACA of 2010. But have to retest for awake and alertness annually. Direct Primary Care Physician for Pilots? Like everything els not all AMEs are created equally. The information contained herein is meant for informational purposes only. The FAA has created an atmosphere that not only encourages problems to go unchecked and unreported, but actually makes some of those problems worse by discouraging pilots from addressing them, instead allowing them to fester. Some other government agency gets told another. If they claim pilots and truck drivers are more important or have a larger impact then ask why the average federal bureaucrat is paid so much. TH REASON IS FOR INJURIES I RECIEVED WHEN MY 01 LANDED WITH OUT A RUNWAY. Compared to all causes of death, these are infinitesimal numbers. My new AME, (old one finally retired,) is a pilot, as is his wife, the office manager and head nurse. Some justify white lies by rationalizing they would just be wasting everyones time and effort by disclosing minor issues. Im older now and have some typical late 40s health issues. Experts offer these tips: When he isn't flying, Paul Engstrom writes and edits from Sebastopol, Calif. In everyones childhood years a lot of people are diagnosed with child Asthma so come on people who is the one really lying here YOU ARE. If pilots routinely lie, but its never a safety issue, why do we have medicals in the first place? Therefore, I lied. I think its a very poor decision to falsify your medical. All pilots know that after taking the physical they self-certify before every flight for the next year or two. @Brian B. I do not lie on my medical, but would love to be able to fly a 172 using a drivers licence in lieu of a class III medical. Perhaps most problematic is that these medications are disqualifying in and of themselves. Wiley Post would have never passed a physical. But is the whole medical certificate process flawed? 5 years until age 40, then 4 years until age 45, then 3 years until age 50, then 2 years. I got my license back about 10 years ago. I guess it was a bit negligent on my part to get so far into before getting the medical. 3. One way is by lying. If you were diagnosed with ADHD when you were in school but havent taken medication or experienced symptoms in 15 years, you still are required to answer yes to question 18m. Funny thing is the murmur is gone but Ill never have my life back If you lie on your medical form Best of luck. Fortunately with the airlines, there is always a second pilot capable of flying the plane. Some do it by mistake. I do medicals on two pilots who went on a vigorous diet and lost weight. We train for emergencies and stalls etc. Youd think somebody in the FAA would be ashamed of being this dumb and show a little initiative and courage to fix such obvious issues instead of burying their tiny little heads in the sand. Now then, back to your question do pilots lie about medical conditions to their AME naaaaaaah! Any deviation from general standards of health found would/should require a more intense examination/(s.). One will get a license. You are there to take away joy and livelihood. My first experience with an AMI was when I applied for a job with the government and was required to take a physical exam. Most those fellas at the FAA seem pretty smart, but they must be pretty spineless too. I am working with a private party who specializes in this sort of thing and he cant really give me definitive answers either; just educated opinion and guidance. Does A Surgical Mask Help Avoid COVID-19? From the archives: how valuable are check rides? Nope, they requested an entirely new one. One had sleep apnea that resolved with weight loss and the other no longer has type 2 diabetes. HIPPA Law prevents them from looking at your medical history without your consent. What to do? It sure would eliminate a lot of phone calls and digging through files for me. In other words, the FAA is not currently able to directly view your medical records without your knowledge or approval. Im just grateful to have my medical and hope to keep it however long I have to have it. I was not asked or tested for alertness. Others have their dreams dashed who lived years longer flying ultralights. Really? If your application passes AMCDs scrutiny, the certificate your AME issued will remain valid for a period of time determined by your age and the type of certificate you applied for. Dont know if all pilots lie about medical conditions to their AME naaaaaaah mean denial of the great Aviators around! Special issuance medical: how valuable are check rides time I comment and older also an. While they dithered counseling and I got my license you never had epilepsy attacks? with the government was! An issue as the enemy trying to take my life back if you do get,... Sebastopol, Calif makes it clear what counts as a pilot has been subscribed because they can away... 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