Just not sure what type of protocol would be best. we did another one without BCPs and that also failed. Ideally, between 15 - 20 mature eggs would be retrieved, though getting a number that high is uncommon. IVF #1, we did Follistim, Menopur, Cetrotide. Very helpful! Weill Cornell Medical Center, Division Chief Heres an example from the same study. By: Kelly Park Implantation Calendar: What is Happening During the Two Week Wait. Hottest Topics -- Last 30 Days However other had mature egg and we did Icsi by it didn't grow from there. Its effective, but expensive, and raises the risk of OHSS. It all depends on your tests and what specific information they have for you. That could be bogus, but it makes sense, right? Within both, doctors can prescribe as much gonadotropin as theyd like. - Longdom I have AMH of 0.1 or something like that. Did not cover diagnostics like doppler test (40 copay but insurance might have covered this), communicable testing ($400 per person), and specialty meds . Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). My understanding is that most poor responders have egg quality issues and that's why they use it. To get FSH, patients take Gonal-F or Follistim (many consider them to be interchangeable) and to get FSH-plus-LH most women take Menopur (pretty much the only product on the market). My skin looked pretty good for those priming weeks. :) Keep us posted on your progress! 14 retrieved, In patients over 40 years old, after probably the 3rd round, the cumulative live birth rates are not increasing. Natural cycle is no meds to stim so u get 1 egg at best. Male factor, probably DOR and I am a poor responder to IVF drugs Ultimately there are two protocol strategies doctors will use: either the Long Agonist or Antagonist protocols. One of the most important steps in the in vitro fertilization is stimulating the ovaries to develop multiple eggs. By clicking sign up, you agree to receive emails from FertilitySmarts and agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Anyhow, do you know how what they wanted the priming to do? After it happens, I keep receiving bills in the mail. FET April 2009 - cancelled, embryos did not survive thaw :) worked well for me. A Group Owner is a member that has initiated the creation of a group to connect with other members to share their journey through the same pregnancy & baby stages. I started 150 Follistim and 150 Menopur on cycle day 3 and am still doing that. The dose of gonadotropin matters because, generally speaking, if too little is prescribed, too few eggs are retrieved, and IVF success rates go down. Have questions about navigating your Inspire support community or need assistance from one of our Inspire Moderators? What To Do When PGT-A & Grading Results Conflict? A Group Leader is a What to Expect community member who has been selected by our staff to help maintain a positive, supportive tone within a group. Thanks for sharing your story. However, that information will still be included in details such as numbers of replies. How does a micro-flare protocol differ from mini IVF vs natural cycle? 2 Girls!! I'm feeling really low right now and can't shake the thought of trying IVF for the first time to attempt a bio child. This is called multi-follicular development and its a pivotal step in a successful IVF. Thus, the negative impact of taking a lot of gonadotropin may be minimized in a frozen transfer. I am 37 with diminished egg reserve and a high estrogen level and need a doctor who will be more aggressive with the volume of meds so I can hopefully achieve my e, I need help. Beta 1117 Similarly, when an investigator named Revelli decided to swap out a few days of gonadotropin for clomid in this poor responder population in Italy (and thereafter resumed gonadotropin at low levels), he saw similar rates of success to more conventional levels of gonadotropin use. This drugs known as the trigger shot. I just want to be knowledgeable and advocate for myself bc like many others on here, being over 40 I there's no time to waste-. Estrogen priming attempt #1, late December 2019: during the luteal phase of that now IUI cycle, I took oral estrogen. I am 38. We're also doing PGS. Fx! Depending upon your circumstances and your team's recommendations, priming can last for 1-3 weeks. I did estrogen priming and human growth hormone with IVF#2 if you compare the cycles, it actually seems like the second cycle was worse!! 1st IVF/ICSI age 41 : Gonal F 300; 3 eggs; 2 fertilised; transfer day 5; BFN Privacy Policy - I hope a tweak of the protocol will help or maybe it was just an off cycle for me. They said they would put me in the 21 day long protocol. A fundamental question is whether protocols using a lower dose of gonadotropins do as well as those using a higher dose of gonadotropins. Ugh, that made me feel like I was hit by a truck. I also did ganirelix during this time. Good Morning. We respect everyones right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other community members, and meet What to Expects Terms of Use. The meds alone cost $5,400. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. I imagine the Follistim is lowered partly to keep the egg number from increasing (had OHSS w/IVF #1). Back to home page. So I guess Im asking, do you all think I should do a EPP antogonist? The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. Best of luck to you. The intuition here is that these women are so prone to a good response, they hardly need much medication to produce the targeted 15 - 20 eggs. The combination of drugs and their dosing is known as a protocol and while it may seem like there are a dizzying number of protocols, the reality is there are only a few core options. Do they use this protocol as sort of standard for someone who is starting? However, the study has two major shortcomings and for that reason most experts arent ready to concede that rates of gonadotropin over 300 IUs per day is harmful. . IVF #2, we did estrogen priming, Follistim, Menopur, Tev Tropin (human growth hormone), Cetrotide. Below is data collected on over 3,000 cycles for each protocol approach in the Netherlands. - 1st follicle check u/s and b/w. Estrogen Priming Protocol: In some women who respond poorly to the short protocol (e.g., women diagnosed with Diminished Ovarian Reserve (DOR)), this protocol may enhance ovarian response, perhaps by synchronizing more follicles for recruitment and retrieval. Around 50-60% of couples find success with IUI after 5 cycles, which is about a 10-20% success rate per cycle. Your post will be hidden and deleted by moderators. (Calendar not t, I'm confused by all the information out there for women over 40. Confirms hormone levels are baseline and gets antral follicle count as a basis for cycle prognosis. (This was to work with their schedule, because they are closed on the weekends.) However, in frozen transfers, the effect was smaller and didnt come close to clearing statistical significance. FertilitySmarts is a part of Janalta Interactive. The one thing we all have in common here is helping each other fall pregnant, cos this gives us hope. Still seems to have had plenty of effect though. I will be doing an FET in March/April, I started taking 4mg of estrace on cd 21. Estrogen Priming is completely different, so therefore without birth control pill.I would ask your doctor, but I guess you just do nothing while preparing for the cycle. Any success stories for low responders of Estrogen Priming cycle? Estrogen Priming Protocol - Infertility Inspire Finding a Resolution for Infertility IUI / IVF and high-tech procedures Finding a Resolution for Infertility Infertility Support Community in Partnership with RESOLVE Join Inspire Create a Post Estrogen Priming Protocol blossom34 (Inactive) Sep 23, 2010 5:34 AM Both were immature. Get Ready for a New Season of Gardening -Choose from Tomatoes, Peaches, Corn, Zinnias & More! Anyhoo, I am just curious whose done this and what the difference was in terms of their egg numbers and quality.especially if anyone used it for quality. By continuing to browse our site you agree to our use of data and cookies. No BCP - started my period, did cycle day 2 testing FSH was good (I had high a FSH of 15 so EPP helped that) then started meds. day 1 of cycle/protocol: (day 2 of menses): cetrotide 0.125 mg subcutaneously 4 estradot patches (estradot patches to be stopped when lead follicle was greater or equal to 1.5 cm) days 2 and 3 of cycle: 600 iu gonal f 0.125 mg cetrotide days 4 - 6 of cycle: 525 iu gonal f 0.125 mg cetrotide days 7 - 11 of cycle: 225 iu gonal f 0.125 cetrotide After my period started, my doctor kept me on the patches for five more days. I'm starting with this IUI and then will see how I respond and move forward from there. The Ukrainian Tribute Growout is a great opportunity for tomato lovers to get their hands on some unique and delicious varieties. This is done by administering estrogen, typically via an estrogen patch or an injection, sometimes along with additional Gonadotropin-releasing hormone. As we showed you above, typically no single protocol is best for all IVF patients, though specific protocols often make sense for some patients more than others. Infertility Support Community in Partnership with RESOLVE. They are generally used for suppression in Long Lupron Protocols. it's 1 week since last patch. Also covering add-ons like human growth hormone. Has anyone with failed IVF stim tried mini/micro IVF? I'm clueless about all this-, Ok thanks- I didn't realize you don't use BCPs and estrogen priming at the same time. Yea, sometimes the smallest of tweaks can make such a big difference. I just had my ER last week: stimmed for 13 days, started ganerilix on stim day 8, retreived 7 eggs, 3 were mature, 3 fertilized, 1 blastocyst was frozen today on day 5 and I have 2 morulas that will bhopefully be frozen tomorrow as long as they are blastocysts. When do you start your next cycle? The goal was to use the estrogen to prevent any dominant follicles from taking over again to allow follicles to grow evenly. November 8 - we're having twins:) Wow!!! I was 41 at SG and they also put me on BCPs and i knew it was going to oversupress me -- and it did. I am on my 4th now. Our first cycles sound pretty similar. Now this is a guesstimated number. The views expressed in community are solely the opinions of participants, and do not reflect those of What to Expect. It's a horrifyingly traumatic experience. Estrogen/androgen priming protocol improves egg quality and . I started taking 4mg of estrace on cd 21. Did they think estrogen helped with even follicle growth or egg quality? You currently have javascript disabled. The results are below and as you can see, success rates do seem to drop off after 300 IUs per day of gonadotropin. I would be doing a low stim protocol with estrogen priming. They studied what happens when you replace gonadotropin with clomid (a cheaper, less potent alternative) for a few days before the retrieval. It was my best in terms of numbers and success. So I think I was on estrogen for about a couple weeks then started stimming (antagonist protocol). I am interested in hearing from women who have never tried to get pregnant and therefore do not have any specific infertility issue per se, other than age. Lupron when take in larger doses suppresses pituitary function, but when taken in smaller doses, it does the opposite. Advertising Policy - As you may recall in the Revelli and Yousef studies, 150 IUs per day of gonadotropin were used, which is well higher than most things marketed as mini-stimulation approaches, and any natural (no gonadotropin) approach. I just had my first IVF and it was unsuccesful. Buy Organic Seeds Risk Free From Organic Seeds TOP - Credit Card & Western Union Payment Options, Organic Seeds TOP is a seed vendor based in the Ukraine. I would ask your doctor, but I guess you just do nothing while preparing for the cycle. These drugs help a woman grow multiple follicles, and thus multiple mature eggs. Did one cycle of IVf with 450 of gonal F and then cetrotide and ovidrel. I then did 450 gonal-F and 150 menopur for 12 or 13 days, using ganirelix as well. Twins & Multiples: Your Tentative Time Table. I was on BCP for 20 years (have been off for several now) and it took me a long time to normalize after coming off them. FertilitySmarts is your go-to source for medically accurate info and expert-sourced opinions on all aspects of fertility. Hello thanks for sharing. I wound up with 5 fertilized embryos; transferred two grade A on day 3--got my now 2yo daughter. It's easiest to create a Word docume, Prevent & Address Internal White Tissue in Tomatoes | How to Maximize Potassium Uptake and Reduce Fungal Diseases, Tomatoes are a popular and nutritious vegetable that can be grown in gardens around the world. They are generally used for suppression in Long Lupron Protocols. New doctor recommended EPP to promote more even follicle growth. I have had 4 failed ivf cycles on the short antagonist protocol which all failed, 3 out of the 4 cycles I had 1 average embryo which resulted in chemical pregnancies and 1 cycle I had nothing to. Was wonderin, I just finished my 3rd failed IVF cycle using EPP. I just had a consultation with an RE he recommended a "estrogen priming micro-flare lupron" protocol. BabyCenter may earn a commission from shopping links. . That matters because fresh transfers take place only days after an egg retrieval. Clomid is cheap, easy to take (oral), drives less risk of OHSS, but is less effective. I tried it and it seemed to help with even follicle growth but so some reason I had less eggs in the follicles than prior cycle when I was on bcp first? In my opinion, it's good to be at a place that uses it a lot. Objectives: We investigated whether luteal estrogen administration and an early follicular Gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist (E/G-ant) priming protocol improves clinical outcomes in poor . TBD how many fertilize, etc. That could be why they are decreasing your Follistim too. I am on my first round of IVF (hopefully last!). It is used on lowish amh patients and those who respond poorly to drugs which affect their lining. Recently went thru an IVF cycle that gave me a poor result: 3 blasts all abnormal.RE suggested BCP for 21 days followed by lupron. For many gardeners, it starts with tomatoes. I'm not sure what your stats are, but Check seems to have had some good success with women over 40 who have high FSH, so I'd say go with him. All rights reserved. What affect did the epp have on your follicles? There are a number of drugs that can be tacked onto the beginning of a cycle that may increase the odds of success. BFN. I hope you get to eat those words, I really do!!! This protocol is used almost exclusively in women whove had a poor response in a previous cycle or who have evidence of diminished ovarian reserve (AMH less than 0.5 or an AFC less than 5). For patients with a healthy ovarian reserve such a long stretch of ovulation suppression is often not a problem. Once you surge (and presumably ovulate) you count 10 days from the surge. We're not even 100% sure we are staying with my current clinic but I wanted to research ahead of time either way. I am just hoping between the estrace and progesterone my period holds off until next Thursday! Another gardener is pla. It's an estrogen priming protocol. Hey Michelle, you should never feel bad to ask! Has anyone else had this, Hi peeps. Ultimately, for only a handful of patient types has one protocol shown itself to be superior to the others and we profile those below. EPP is an aggressive form of an IVF Antagonist Protocol. This was all on the phone, so not 100 percent on what the protocol would be. I have my follow up appt tomorrow after my first Ivf ended in a chemical and my nurse mentioned my dr might want to try this for the next round. After 2 years, tons of tests and 5 IVF cycles, it still feels unreal.Estrogen Priming protocol does not have birth control pills. Good luck & stay positive!! Transfer was canceled. Has anyone had any experience with the Estrogen Priming Protocol? Note that once you confirm, this action cannot be undone. The combination and duration of drugs to stimulate, suppress, and incite ovulation taken together comprise a protocol. Had two follicles but one disappeared day of egg retrieval. Cost: $1,000. Trying concieve since 40 Ovarian Stimulation Baseline Ultrasound Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Medical Director, REI ESTROGEN PRIMING ANTAGONIST IVF PROTOCOL 7,592 views Dec 27, 2020 Are you about to start IVF? Im very new to this, have never done an IVF cycle but was hoping to start soon. More than I wanted, I think! Ivf doctor recommendation in nyc or bklyn, Low Ovarian Reserve and Poor Responder to IVF, Ladies 45 and older TTC - *infertility due to age only*. I was not informed of this ahead of timeand was pretty upset that that they threw away something that might have had a chance. Success depends on many factors, including the woman's age and the quality of the sperm. After being on BCPs for so long, it took a long time for my period to come back (it's been 5 years though now), but my cycle has still never been the same so I'm wary of BCPs. I also did estrogen priming with the mini. I did have a decent response on the MDL and 100% fertilization with two good 5 day blasts. 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