Theres always a chance that this will trigger self-reflection, and he will crawl back, and you can decide whether to give a second chance. Girl what? A healthy relationship should brighten your day, not wondering where you stand. That same night, he stopped replying and was offline cause they had some family time and it seems his granny got ahold of all the electrical gadgets to make them sleep early.He told me the next day and we did catch up.I thought we were going back on track until he,again,stopped replying at some point. I feel like my heart is breaking already, just waiting for the dreaded phone call to say he cant give me what I want when Ive said all I want is some time together an hour here or there, some texts to show he cares I dont feel its much but if its too much for him then I guess I need to accept things. My boyfriend and I have been together for 8 months already and up until this day, he is literally showing no effort in our relationship. He gets very quiet and is hard to talk to. He went out and bought 48 roses he surprised me with though out the day for Valentines day and took me out for a really nice dinner- he even planned having sexy time (which got postponed finishing). After going through with this behaviour for around 3 months (I was going insane) I caught him lying and speaking to a number of females behind my back as more than just friends. but thats what made me fall in love with him and now that i feel like the efforts arent made or not even made but not wanted, not driven, not desired as he felt before. What would you do? Do you feel loved? We were really happy and things happended so good. Now he wont go anywhere with me he wont touch me in front of anyone we dont do anything and he refuses to do anything fun the only thing we do is work he dont go to the kids is events or anything but it is X need something hell drop everything And do it. He was fine with it so we just started to say it to each other. You may find it helpful to write about your relationship. Even seemingly harmless criticism and patronizing comments, too, can take a toll. Im not looking for validation from him, but support. Ive asked him to work on this and as the article says, he says he will and he does..for about a half a day. He loves the gym and usually chooses that over me, hanging out with his friends etc but then when we do actually spend time together hes all over me and appreciates me so much and makes me feel amazing. m tired n dont know what to do anymore! He foes sweet thoughtfulthings when I come over yo see him. I dont think he would see it this way at all. Ignoring a guy to get his attention is really about not giving up time for yourself and the things that make you happy. I feel like I could spend my life with him if it were not for one issue that has always popped up. He is struggling to find work as well. I told him 3 times that this has bothered me and he has made no effort to change this. Maybe hes too heavy into the party, drugs, and alcohol scene. And what if something bad happened to him which I hope not at least I know who to contact. I want to be with him but Im also scared that Im wasting my young years and wake up one day regretting not leaving bc he isnt going to change how he is for me or at least try for me. We are now in quarantine and I have mostly been the one to come see him. Hasnt bought me nothing but flowers once and concert tickets which was canceled cuz of covid. 's life, you're sending clear signals that your partner isn't important to you. Ive talked to him about it twice to no avail. He did it once and that was it. I love him more than ever and I know I made the biggest mistake of my life. When I first met him I didnt think I needed a relationship but now especially in this lockdown I feel a little empty and alone. ! And he states that he just noticed it then. I mean, the love we have for them would still be there. Now, I dont know all the details of this, but I would say that hes pushing you away unintentionally while trying to cope with the loss of his father. Ive been giving some hint and already talked about how I feel and why Im acting like this. I have tried so many times to let the relationship go and have broken up with him, but he does not want to let me go. I am not happy in this relationship at all. Ill call him daily or send him texts but he only leaves me on seen and doesnt reply. Since then hes filed for bankruptcy and the interest he used to take in my poetry appears to have disappeared. It could be that your partner is losing interest and doesnt know how to communicate that with you," says marriage and family therapist Lynsie Seely. Im slowly giving up but everytime i try to let go he acts like he rlly loves me and he wants me back. Omgod girl leave him. you can still offer him emotional support (from a distance) if he needs itgood luck, xoxo. They had another baby but as the saying goes you shouldnt have a baby to fix things so they split up. I decided to tell him how I felt because its always best to tell the other person how you feel. I really think this will be a good thing for us because Ill be able to have my own independence and maybe make him see that I can be happy without him (even tho as of right now we are planning on staying together and commuting to each other when we can). And i blamed him roudly.. And he promised me that his intention was nit to cheat me and said sorry. It confuses us because we know the love ie there. The lady was there, I was so angry, I wanted to punch her for lying tto me, but my guy was protecting her, he was even telling me to live his house, he humiliated me in front of her, he came last week to my place and tried explaining things, he even spent the night at my house, I feel so stupid, because he is not putting any effort to fix things between us, I feel so stupid for letting him spent the night in my house, why do I still love him even after he has clearly heart broken me, will I ever move from this nightmare? We have been together about a year and a half, when we are together we have fun and our intimacy is great. Youve probably heard of Love Languages before, and it sounds like your main love language is either physical touch or acts of service (showing someone you love them by doing things that help them). He broke up with me because I was becoming emotionally unavailable and I always cried when I was with him. I did not even have to think about going this is what people do for each other. I would get so frustrated with him because I really was not asking for much, just a phone call to check on your girlfriend surely is not asking for much. Ive been with my boyfriend for a year now and I just dont know how to feel about things. im not saying there isnt things wrong with me but i havent done anything to deserve this kind of treatment i wait on him hand and foot and im just getting exhausted but i dont want give up. He Wants You To Approach Him First. Like thank you for ruining an otherwise nice day/evening because I did not answer you the correct way when you asked if I refilled the ice tray. See why its so important for you to know your boyfriend and know yourself before deciding what to do when he doesnt make an effort? My boyfriend made no effort for my birthday and sent me a 2 line email and when I expressed my disappointment didnt speak to me for days. He said he was going to do it. Which I practically felt alone and excited to do things by myself. After that night i got my phone taken because my grades were awful (bc of home issues) so me and him didnt talk much but that did not stop me.I would sneak the phone and iPad all the time and talk to him still but then my mom found out about this boyfriend of mine (my sister is a snitch) and i told her that i liked him but i wasnt dating him. Weve been together for over a year but known each other for 8 and its a first serious relationship for both of us. Dont end up like me. Im not sure where you landed with your relationship, but I hope things are better for you. I feel like the future that I saw with him will not be possible anymore. It seems ridiculous, but overachievers will develop workaholic habits and then feel guilty for doing something that they enjoy that isnt more work. I think him doing that even though you have said you arent okay with it is extremely disrespectful and shows he doesnt care about your feelings. When I ask whats wrong my boyfriend bites my head off, shouts at me, tells me Im just trying to cause trouble when Im totally calm and just asking a question. Were both still full time students living at home. So many thoughts, so many scenarios. Ill leave him alone. In the past few months that has changed and hes gotten better. In the first year of the relationship it was really good and he made an effort to be with me, and I felt like he really loved me. Nothing cleaned up, ingredients still on the counter, and not one thing made for me to eat.. and even better, after letting me in the door, not a how was work. But he has never considered making me happy for once. I miss my best friend and I hate that it feels like maybe hes not missing me as much as I do. Im sorry. I had a quarantine birthday and got a ton of messages and phone calls from everyone, but from him? Especially since at the beginning thats when you have your honeymoon stage with the feeling of butterflies and the sweet words. This past week, I got strep throat and was miserable, so I didnt do anything, and since I got antibiotics, Ive been feeling better, but Im debating on doing anything to show him how much I do and how little he does. He came up with a lot of excuses such as traffic is bad, I have homework (hes a grad school), oh and the one that always gets on my nerve Im tired. When I asked for a picture of his siblings and friends, he refused again saying they are private people and doesnt have to do with our relationship. Should I leave? But I feel like its a symptom of that reoccuring issue of ours where he just doesnt put effort in to connect. I dont want to settle or compromise my own feelings anymore..And you shouldnt either. I asked him again he did not reply back.. now the whole time we have been dating I have been the one to travel back and forth with my son to see him. Wow girl as Im reading this I cant believe I didnt write it lol. But hes not different. One of the best things to do when youre confused about your relationship is to pull back and try to see yourself and your boyfriend more objectively. We then will start to accept crumbs and feel sick inside. That said, he told me hes doing a lot better now and hes still acting distant. Then we were living in different countries. When you feel as though your partner isn't giving you the attention you deserve, it can be incredibly frustrating, confusing, and hurtful. Everything has started crumbling over the last few months. When i say effort drops off, he takes hours to reply to me despite being very active on social media and those replies are one word conversation enders, isnt bothered about spending time with me, tells me he is busy with his family, but I will find out hes actually with his friends, I plan days out in advance but he makes me aware he wont be able to attend because of workbut then when the time comes round to it, he is free but is going out with his friends in advance. However, if my boyfriend was gaming with another girl I would have broken up with him. Now I am sitting alone in my room crying and reading online articles about how to feel better about myself. He betrayed his best friend, he betrayed the woman that has been loving him. I trust him and I wanna keep trusting him. He stopped foreplay. I am very confused and angry at myself because I know he wasnt like that in his previous relationship endeavors. You wish your boyfriend was as attentive and loving as he was at the beginning of your relationship. He drinks constantly. The man is now in jail. (this actually backfired) and caused huge tension and we nearly broke up several times, but when i tried to give him more space to understand his situation, my worst fears came true because we started talking less and less. Thats was our first time seeing each other in person (granted, Id seen him randomly beforehand in elementary school years before that). All relationships are unique. But he makes time for his boys and gaming everyday. No matter how much you wish your boyfriend was making more of an effort in your relationship, you have to remember that theres nothing you can do to change him. and guess what? Been with my a few years. He knew everything about my family and their pictures but not for me. You won't drive him crazy, you'll push him away and for good. So I honestly dont understand. My boyfriend of 3 years and I broke up recently, but within a few days, he decided he wanted to get back together to work things out. He will want to know why youve stopped texting and he will be determined to get your attention. Around my birthday time I started to notice that his effort was there mentally and physically. I made it to the driveway before I felt so uncomfortable I ran inside to put on jeans and a tee shirt. Day after, he went for work in other city and stayed there for 3months. Should I quit or continue with the relationship? thank you so much for posting this article since i really need clarity for my mind . This weekend I called for a break, and told him we should spend time apart. Thank You for sharing your story. I asked him to help me move to where he lives the first 2 times he said yes quickly.. Sounds exactly like me and my ex. Apologize when wrong Be honest. Our plan for celebrating our anniversary like its nothing? Take matters into your own who you need for yourself, Love you and your son enough to care for your own needs. Girl and guy meet, girl is eager to see guy but cant find him, guy had gotten hit by a car, find each other on a dating app in a city full of a million people and start talking. I have tried to express my feelings over and over, but I still get nothing. Gaslighting, deflecting if I try to reasonably communicate how I feel (because I am not allowed to ever have a problem). And we rarly go outing..but i wanted to be spend my time with him. Hot and cold. No boyfriend in the world can fill the emptiness that only God can fill. He barely calls me back when he sees my miss calls,i talked to him about it,he told me he is just stressed up with work.. Now he tries to call me at night or text me before he sleeps,he returns my calls,but things are not like before.. The one time I did ask him to pick me up at the train, he forgot. He is the type of person who has to be in control of everything, and I feel like when I suggest things for us to do together he shuts me down, but if any of his friends suggest the same thing he is game. Feel like I am too grown for him. Ive put my career aside to help him build his business. And I would listen but then my insecurities would come back and were back to where we started. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 4 years. Normally he kept our video call within 15 minutes, and he will keep quiet for a week after the call, but last one was lasted over half an hour and he went into silent for a few weeks after that. Hes lacking in performance and I feel unwanted, again I been communicating and his reason is thats why him and his ex got tired of each other & he doesnt need sex everyday. LEAVE HIM. Seriously, he was amazing. He is highly smart so I am not going to spell it out for him. He used to come over to my place so often no matter what day what time. Then we start texting, he seems fine again and things are good and a month or so later it happens again. You Are Very Possessive & Insecure about Him. I met his mom for the first time when his parents stopped by, we took his dog paddle boarding. FUnny thing is that he will get on a call with an annoying know it all bitch he works remotely with and chat. Thank you so much for what you said! Hi Ella. I dont have a say in anything and I cant express how I feel because he tells me its all on me and pretty much its my fault I feel the way I do. Let YOU be your super woman! Its a long distance relationship, we live 2 hours away from each other. When I got back from fall breakEverything changed../me him and his sister made a plan for when i graduated, i was gonna move in with him and his sister and go to college around there but that changed to him getting an apartment and a moped and me moving in with him and going to college. I have been dating my BF for 7 months now. How much time should I spent apart from him and not talking to him? Yesterday he spent the whole day replaying to every single text with yeah or k. It may be time to reassess your relationship. The three emotions you suggested we wrote down mine were: Last on the priorities, unloved, lonely/lost. Its a painful truth. Is he older? If so, you have to trust that your relationship can handle this temporary lull in affection and attention. For our year and a half anniversary I didnt have money at the time and we were fighting a lot but I made him a good luck bracelet and wrote him a very personal card. I sacrifice so much for him & he doesnt even show it. He called and asked me to come and get himwhich I did. He ignores you. He doesnt think. I know that probably sounds silly but his replies are shorter and he doesnt joke around with me like he used to do. Then there was the hangovers. I hate to say it maybe he did something he wasnt so suppose to and felt guilty leading him to end things. He has weak immune systems and get sick often so we do have days without communication.Im completely okay with not talking everyday. I have told him that Im tired of him not Making an effort in the relationship, and that he needs to make an improvement. he only paid for me once and he never surprises me with dates or buy gifts. The life situations just put our relationship to the side. The last year and half has been a struggle just one thing after the other. Stop working for him. .he is older than me 5 years older and I started dating him because I thought he was mature but every time we fought he puts me down telling me Im fat, Im disgusting, no one will ever want meabout a year ago I went through something where I needed all the support I could get and he left me and didnt have my back..10 years later we have no sex and its always in excuse as to why we are not having ithe continues to call me names and everytime I tell him my true feelings it seems like he dosent care, Ive asked him if he would like to try and start all over because I would still wanna be with him and he agrees and says yes and once again we keep going like through this cycle that never ends..I just wanna be happy at this point I dont know why he dosent try a little harder but Im tired. In the beginning of the relationship is when everything should be perfect. You didnt like THAT answer, did you? Then, at least FaceTime? But even after reminding him of that, nothing happen. I so desperately want a date once in a while wether its once a month so we can enjoy each other and so i can feel like hes doing something special with me AND so i wont go crazy spending every moment in the HOUSE. It was too good to be true and had a feeling I couldnt get lucky enough to be like other woman who found someone who loves and appreciates them, happy relationship, etc. Should I stay? Also, he says he is claustrophobic and that a lot of kissing makes him feel smothered. Hi, you should not be with this person. What started as my dream sex life is now I am lucky if we do it once a month and it is usually on his terms, NOT when *I* am in the mood, planned and boring and routine. To cheat me and said sorry his business always popped up relationship he stopped giving me attention on seen and doesnt reply miss... Hes too heavy into the party, drugs, and alcohol scene deflecting if I try to let he! 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