not to mention she is extremely rude to the clients & treats them like they are stupid simply because they do not have veterinary knowledge. Each package during a specific half will have a unique Fast 50 deadline, and all responses received by that deadline will be entered. I write more about it in my original post. Minimal compared to the $$$ spent importing sick pups from the south. 5. Taxes on all prizes are the sole responsibility of winners. Sweepstakes are sponsored by North Shore Animal League America (Sponsor) whose decisions are final and binding in all respects. My current dog came from a kill facility animal shelter. One thing I noticed is BideAWee keeps the pups for a week in quarrantine and they spay or neuter the animals before they put them up for adoption. Acute parvovirus enteritis can be seen in dogs of any breed, sex, or age. Dogs should NOT be placed for adoption that have Parvo. Odds are determined by the number of eligible entries received. We love our dog! Mercy was 10 months old when she died from a bacterial pneumonia. She was passed over by everyone who checked her tag out and heard this from the staff which is entirely understandable. animal you porn. My vet gave us meds and within a few days she was bouncing like a normal puppy. isn't there a law against this? She simply was wild and could not be domesticated. Webanguage, Literacy, and Learning in STEM Education brings together a range of applied linguistic researchers and projects that address the interface among language studies, science, engineering, and education. Animal behavioral specialist are also employed at the foundation. my other dog jack has been sneezing and coughing and he will be going to the vet tonight. In Kapil, S; Lamm, CG (eds.) References and Further Reading 03 of 12 The current vaccines protect against all strains of the canine parvovirus, including the relatively new parvovirus-2c strain. She had not only hookworms but Giardia. Everyone might have a legitimate complaint, but we ask you to consider that the dogs in the mobile unit have been exposed to other animals (most mobile units are held outside of pet stores where LOTs of pets go in and out). knowing about kennel cough we thought we were doing the right thing by having the vet see them before we brought them home to make sure they got the proper medication before the entered our house with two other dogs. Without the correct amount of properly balanced intravenous fluids, the chance of recovery in a severely stricken animal is very small. We also noticed she had what seem to be mites on her ears and by her incision (spayed) on her stomach. It's absolutely heartbreaking to see families come into the medical center with animals suffering from pneumonia, intestinal parasites, distemper or parvo. So, really? Needless to say I was terrified. Prompt treatment by a veterinarian will increase survivability in infected puppies and working with your veterinarian on a vaccination program that is best for your puppy is important. Most reputable shelters will never adopt out a pet that has not been spayed or neutered. Box 1163, Richmond, VA 23218. I told her no, that my idea of parasites were bugs not worms. If the types of unethical practices described on this board occurred in any other industry there would be congressional hearings. If you want what you want you might be better off somewhere else. From what we remember, they can not guarantee the health of any puppy or dog. By acceptance of their prize, winners consent to use of their names, photographs or other likeness for purposes of advertising, trade and promotion on behalf of North Shore Animal League America, its affiliates and subsidiaries, without further compensation unless prohibited by law. The bleach solution can be impaired by organic matter and needs to have adequate exposure time and proper concentrations to work effectively. You see, in the kennel its like a conveyor belt. We drove her down to their ICU unit after spending the night with our vet on an IV and antibiotics. All of you guys who wrote about them are carless and cheap people You are going to NSAL to try and help a animal in need Not the perfect breed animal. WebValley News Live checked into the North Shore Animal League. Even I at first passed her by several times. and althought they are a non kill shelter, they mistreat and neglect these animals. There is always some issue with the puppies. We had had Mercy tested right before she passed and found out the strain of pneumonia so we could treat it! We took her out and took her right to our vetit turns out both dogs had the same bacterial pheumonia! Tuesday Aug 21 I received a call from the vet telling me to get the dog away from my children IMMEDIATELY and to put her outside in a quarantine area. Why is this facility doing this? They spread it by smelling one another' [censored]s, poop and using the same food and water dish. Also some shelters DO know what breed it is, I go on websites and see a Pitt bull labeled as a lab, or they pretend dogs our purebred when they aren't, when I go to websites I call almost half the breeds out for not being what they are but some breeds are so obvious, to me anyway so if you work with dogs you should know what I know at least. The staff tries to reduce the chances of infectious disease being spread, but there are just too many sick animals to keep up with. In using these protocols, we understand we will be vaccinating some dogs that are not capable of responding and we will be revaccinating some dogs that have already responded and developed a high titer. Nor did we slack off and lose interest in the animal. I adopted from NSAL 17 yrs ago it was a decent experience. however the word is out about nsal. No need to blame everything on the organization for your arrogant ignorance. It is a clean facility - at least the parts the public sees. There is a broad range in the severity of symptoms shown by dogs that are infected with parvovirus. The disease will progress very rapidly and death can occur as early as two days after the onset of the disease. If you plan to do volunteer work I suggest you select a cause or venue other than North Shore Animal League. WebNorth Shore Animal League America is the worlds largest no-kill organization and has saved the lives of 1,100,000 defenseless dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens since 1944. All entries must be postmarked by December 31, 2021 and received no later than January 7, 2022, or as otherwise stated in this package. If a dog is sick or has behavioral issues, such as depression, fear, biting out of fear, aggression to other dogs, for example that animal is NEVER OUT UP FOR ADOPTION until those issues are resolved. Road trips to the south to collect damaged and potentially life-threatening inventory which is then shilled to unsuspecting well-intentioned families at steep prices is reprehensible. This comment was posted by a verified customer. We lost our dog on October 11th 2010 after 14 years from a heart atack and have a spaniel at home who is 9 years old and I can only pray that after all of this she does not get sick! Obviously not. if i were a celebrity, ie beth ostrasky (who swears by nsal) i would not want my name connected to this establishment. Some dogs just get used to the fact a lot easier than others. I would recommend an investigative TV station. Just taking in hoards of mill dogs and pushing them out the door to uninformed owners is a true disservice to the animal and new owner. Valley News Live checked into the North Shore Animal League. I also looked closely at her coat and she looked like she had a slight case of mange. On Saturday August 18th I adopted a puppy from the mobil unit of North Shore Animal League. This horror show should no longer be getting the donations that are coming in, or By using quality vaccines and an aggressive vaccination protocol, we can make this window of susceptibility as small as possible. Are the dogs lucky enough to already have a home somehow in debt through their privilege, and thereby expected to risk their lives and health to achieve NSAL's vision? This scheme started by mail, they said it was donations for the Northshore Animal League America. MD: For the cost of postage and copying, documents and information filed under Maryland charitable organizations can be obtained from the Secretary of State, Charitable Division, State House, Annapolis, MD 21401. Our mission consists of four The doctor wrote us a note to bring to North Shore because they wanted a note. they are all about the numbers, making a fast buck & ripping of the unsuspecting american public. I asked what would happen to her, I was told that she would be looked at by their vets but she would not be able to remain in the hospital until the sickness was gone, that she would be looked at and would be put back up for adoption. On Saturday August 18th I adopted a puppy from the mobil We met with the staff first thing the next morning regarding the adoption. They have several buildings for various animals and their care A veterinarian udon staff as well as vet techs. however they gave our pups xrays and needless to say, oliver and max both had pneumonia. Well he actually got a 20-30 pound Corgi mix. WebIs North Shore Animal League America running a sweepstakes? See the metrics below for more information. Modified live vaccines are safe and effective, but despite the best vaccination protocol, all puppies will have a window of susceptibility of at least several days where they will be at risk. I have adopted four dogs from HEARTS UNITED FOR ANIMALS out of Omaha, NE. You will see what a true No-Kill Rescue organization really is. if there is anyone u all need to be upset with, it is the directors of nsal not the employees, ie techs & doctors. 2. almost as if they were choking on something. Anyone can basically work as a tech as long as they are going to school. I told the employee that I thought she had mites-her response "yeah, that is possible." They then asked if there was any other dogs in the house (yes, 13 yr old rescue) and for 2 references although they just ended up calling just one. they recommneded we take them back down to NSAL and have them treat them because if they did it would cost approx 4, 000.00. my mom and i had no choice but to travel and brign them down there. The volunteers are out on the floor working their hearts out (with good intentions ) to have dogs and cats adopted and make the adoption process pleasant. I hesitated at that point but the employee said well just think about it while I finish off the paperwork. max was very lethargic on friday and we took both straight to our vet near our house before we even took them home. Whats the rush to push them back out the door? Box 97002, Washington DC 20090-7002. Conclusion Who knows what kinds of diseases might be picked up in the mobile adoption? He also does not even know the names of many volunteers and some employees. 15% of employees would Some are transitioning to online and adoptions by appointment, and North Shore Animal League America on Long Island has made adjustments to its application Imagine being kept in a cage since birth, then suddenly one day put into a truck for multiple hours, being cradled by a stranger for the first time as they move you from cage to cage, given vaccinations and shots, put into a room with many strangers that all want to hold you, then finally put into a home all in the time span of about a month. Our vet explained that our dog was wild and not safe to have around our two children and the baby I was pregnant with at the time. On Monday Aug 20 my husband and I took her to the vet and she was placed on medicine for her diarrhea and a stool sample was to be tested. Asked December 22, 2018 2 We live in MN. Giardia is super common, most dogs have it as puppies and it is not the plague. Feb 06, 2023, 11:12pmUpdated on Feb 06, 2023. Ralph had a URI infection which was cleared (even though he showed symptoms) by a vet tech. Estimated odds of winning a Fast 50 prize are no greater than 1 in 30,000. REGISTRATION IN A STATE DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL, OR RECOMMENDATION OF NORTH SHORE ANIMAL LEAGUE AMERICA BY THE STATE. Fake Prize, Sweepstakes, and Lottery Scams. I will never adopt another dog from them ever again! There are large organizations across the country that help each other out all the time. Corticosteroids may be given if the animal is in shock. If all things are on the up and up.. all the better. Is the process in the animals best interest? Is there reliable paper work that goes home with the animal? Animal Rescues are based on donations and the fee's associated with adoptions. Intravenous administration of a balanced electrolyte solution is preferred, but in less severe cases, subcutaneous or oral fluids may be used. They extort outrageous surrender fees from people who are forced to give up pets, charge fat adoption fees, a huge fee if you have to return the animal, and they take no responsibility for the health of the animal after adoption. You can take meds but it just controls it, it does not kill it. Despite our highly informed and experienced dog rearing skills, this dog: Well my story is no different from the one's posted. WebWhat does North Shore Animal League America do? now if these puppies were cared for in the shelter properly and examined the way they should have been i think MORE and MORE puppies would be adopted. Again. just this past year, all of the dvm's (exdcept 3) either got fired (because of personl conflicts with the directors) or quit. It's a terrible expensive disease and a heart-breaker, even for the people that work at the hospital you take your dog to. Im simply questioning the unusual procedures. He had 8 brothers&sisters my dogs surgeon said def at least some of them have it, basically he has bum genes. WV: West Virginia residents may obtain a summary of the registration and financial documents from the Secretary of State, State Capitol, Charleston, WV 25305. I was told they would not do that. I taught kids for ten yeas and saw a lot of illnesses and caught many from my kids that I loved but never anything from our sick puppy or any of our pets. Thus, we took the handsome baby pup home. Donations to a charitable organization are irrevocable gifts. I find that the vet techs are the ones who screw things up. Even with the best available care, the mortality of severely infected animals is high. Does Petsmart care about them? They say they found that sweepstakes are a great way to get peoples attention and learn about their mission. We scheduled an appointment with an allergist and he got medication and is going to be receiving allergy shots. Son of a ###. the vets told us that the both puppies were in critical condition and that they needed a nebulizing treatment asap. North Shore Animal League America - Terrible service! The license is not an endorsement by the state. Dogs are dogs, shelter dogs can take some work. angry people wait in the waiting room for hours to be seen and the director knows this but she refuses to see even one animal, especially if it is a dog (she takes a liking to cats). At a recent major event, many puppies were not checked out by the vet staff before being put up for adoption. We adopted a very cool animal from NSAL --from the base, not from the mobile unit. Animals sound like the last thing the top executives are interested in. My husband and I sponsored a dog in this situation. I thought about taking her back. There are much more reputable charities out there to support. As much as we had already gotten attached to the dog(Harley) we decided that it was best to return her. They should be closed down because what they are doing is in humane! They will take 50+ animals from across the country several times a year. You have NO IDEA of the problems in this organization. Immediately the next morning, my mom and I rushed him over to NSAL medical center. They admittedly take no time to test the puppies. Donations to a charitable organization are irrevocable gifts. oliver he said he didn't even want to treat, but because they were so close, he would anyways. Since 1944, we have been saving the lives of defenseless dogs, She was quiet and aloof, which we mistook for calm and reserved. Regarding all those other complaints, we noticed that MOST of them said they adopted them from MOBILE units, not straight from North Shore. There are way too many animals and not nearly enough workers/volunteers. We had Charley for 10 days and my fianc started having some allergic reactions to her so not knowing what to do we brought her back and said she was perfect but it was just allergies. Don't just take it back to a shelter or have it be put down. 9362. Restricting the food during periods of vomiting is also necessary and parenternal nutrition (providing nutrients intravenously) may be necessary. I dont know much about the place you all are discussing. If this was someones home, North Shore would be called the equivalent of a hoarder. VA: From the State Office of Consumer Affairs in the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs, P.O. first one is max hes a big fluffy rottie mix from what we think, and the other is oliver a tiny australian shepherd mix. He's been there for 10 days (and we only had him in our home for 3 1/2) but we're so attached to him. We had a human-biting, predatory coy-dog living in our house. NSAL is a criminal organization, stealing from their donors and deceptively adopting dogs that are sick and contagious. CONTRIBUTIONS ARE DEDUCTIBLE FOR FEDERAL INCOME TAX PURPOSES IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAW. Odds of winning are determined by the number of eligible entries received. He, of course, has parvo. My point? No materials from this website may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way. If you want to be sure what you're getting, adopt an adult dog or older puppy - otherwise it is a total crapshoot. Financial statements and other information about North Shore Animal League America, a 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit charitable corporation, can be obtained by contacting us at 16 Lewyt Street, Port Washington, New York 11050, 516.883.7575, or stated as follows. FL: SC No. Maybe they do some good, but the abysmal and dishonest way they treated me and my dog was inexcuseable! Needless to say NSAL didn't want her back. Some say a new Unless your dog is small, young and "cute" (e.g., not a pit bull), your dog will most likely not be accepted back after the 30-day return policy is up. That was fine, we happily nursed her back to health. They are more like a puppy mill than a problem solving organization. What information goes home to explain any issues, mental or physical, that the animal. The problem might be mobile adoptions, not North Shore. Phone: Web: Category: Animal Services North Shore Animal League North Shore Animal League Not North Shore. 2. This is praise, not a complaint. The Worlds Largest No-Kill Animal Rescue & Adoption Organization. animals in their care at any given time, the buildings are clean. Any of you who have written things along these lines SHOULD NOT BE DOG OWNERS! Then, on the fourth day at 2AM, he started to vomit constantly as well as liquid diarrhea. Be very aware of the animals you get from North Shore. Either way, when you lodge a complaint about a shelter, you are hurting the animals that it is serving. 3 days later she was throwing up and having bloody diarrhea. Just for the record, this was the first time we have ever been to North Shore, but we have heard about them for years and years and finally glad to see the place and to get a great dog there. 3. For the person who adopted the Pointer Mix and wanted a 30lb dog. WebWe will work with you to find a charitable plan that lets you provide for your family and support North Shore Animal League America. Sweepstakes is one of the methods used to raise funds in support of our mission. Whenever you get a pet from anywhere there is always a chance that it will have health problems. NORTH SHORE ANIMAL LEAGUE AMERICA SWEEPSTAKES OFFICIAL RULES They lied to me. I cant imagine if i had a young child. Current vaccinations have helped to control the spread of this disease but despite being vaccinated, some dogs still contract and die from parvo. Insects and rodents may also serve as vectors playing an important role in the transmission of the disease. Replacing fluids lost through vomiting and diarrhea is probably the single most important treatment. I can not understand why they are even being put there for adoption, instead of being treated. NJ: INFORMATION FILED WITH THE ATTORNEY GENERAL CONCERNING THIS CHARITABLE SOLICITATION AND THE PERCENTAGE OF CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED BY THE CHARITY DURING THE LAST REPORTING PERIOD THAT WERE DEDICATED TO THE CHARITABLE PURPOSE MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY BY CALLING (973) 504-6215 AND IS AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET AT REGISTRATION WITH THE ATTORNEY GENERAL DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT. NY: Upon request, from the Attorney General Charities Bureau, 120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271 or at or call 212-416-8401. 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