Added to this, Loki firmly believed that freedom was life's great lie and that no-one was truly free and everyone was oppressed in some way. Knowing that his brother would soon learn of his treasonous lies, Loki decided that he had no choice but to silence all those who had betrayed the throne. ThorThe AvengersThor: The Dark WorldAvengers: Age of Ultron (mentioned & deleted scene)Captain America: Civil War (mentioned)Doctor Strange (mentioned)Thor: RagnarokAvengers: Infinity WarAvengers: Endgame (mentioned)Black Widow (footage)Thor: Love and Thunder (flashback) You can see Lokis Feeling side when hes manipulating people (this comes easily for types that understand emotions and motivations), when hes interacting with his mother, and in several scenes with Thor. Loki really gets into the idea that he thinks everything through and is a good 10 steps ahead of everyone he often isnt, though. Intuitive. a. Soba b. During his final moments on Asgard, Loki took the Tesseract from Odin's Vault and in the wake of the Destruction of Asgard, chose to stay by his brother's side and support his ascension onto the throne. Compared to his boisterous older brother, he constantly seemed to be relaxed, peaceful and quiet, but in truth had the mind of a cold, calculating sociopath and was formulating machinations that would achieve his power and respect that he truly believed he deserves at all times. Normally as a maturing INFJ, you develop your primary function Introverted Intuition first, become comfortable with your secondary Extroverted Feeling function as you become a teenager, start using tertiary Introverted Thinking in your late 20s or early 30s, then maybe you start exploring inferior Extroverted Sensing in midlife. Introduction. While taking cover, Loki noted that Odin had brought them together when he had taken Loki from Jotunheim, claiming that it was almost poetic that his death them break them apart for good. As the Dark Elves retreated to their giant ship, Malekith's lieutenant Kurse stayed behind to keep Thor and Loki busy. However, ignoring Laufey's warning, Thor demanded answers on how Laufey's soldiers had gotten into Asgard to try and steal the Casket of Ancient Winters from Odin's Vault. Loki | Season 1. Im not trying to be insulting but have you looked up what each type is like unhealthy? Thor then explained that he had been having some recurring dreams recently depicting Ragnark, so he had begun investigating this and found the Nine Realms in utter chaos and Marauders who had been marching unchallenged as the King did nothing. This makes for a great character and one who can be strangely relatable. As Loki questioned if the Casket was not the only thing he had taken from Jotunheim following his victory, Odin finally relented, telling Loki of how he had discovered him as an unwanted infant and taken him in. This did little more than enrage Thor, who disarmed Loki of his staff before hitting him repeatedly in the face, soon beating Loki into submission before picking him up over his head and slamming him down hard onto the ruined balcony. Other than that, Loki supposedly cared for Thor, consoling him after his coronation was ruined but was stated to be envious of him his entire life, although no one knew the extent of such envy until it was too late. An aerial chase in which Loki chased down Black Widow left his craft destroyed when Loki confidently caught one of Hawkeye's arrows, which then exploded, causing him to crash land back on Stark Tower. While Sif and Volstagg used to their strength and great fighting skills to gain the advantage, Loki used his magic to attack and confuse the Frost Giants, tricking one into charging at an illusion which caused him to fall to his death while Loki continued fighting. Loki watched confidently as Stark landed on the Tower's landing pad and abandoned his wrecked Iron Man suit, stepping inside the building in order to confront and threaten the God of Mischief personally. [2], Loki visiting Thor inside of his prison cell. Exposed, Loki tried to defend his deception, insisting that Asgard had prospering while Thor had the independence he always wanted, claiming that by revealing his identity Thor had ruined everything he had just achieved. When Heimdall agreed, Loki ordered him not to allow anyone else to use the Bifrost until he had repaired all of the damage that was done by some of Thor's previous actions. I will turn into someone people dont expect when I reach the end of my rope, and if Im stressed and feeling out of control I dont shy away from conflict like INFJs typically do. Thinking personality types can often have very deep and difficult feelings, as Loki does. here's the result of a lot of votes lol. Observant (S) and Judging (J) personality types, known for their practicality and focus on order, security, and stability. Having been captured by Valkyrie, Loki was left chained up inside of her room, waiting for her to return. A sad Thor would tell Rocket, a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, that while Loki had died before, he felt that this time was permanent. Marvel Adventures. Under the pretense of offering himself as a guide to Earth, Loki feigned continuing servitude to Thanos while secretly readying a dagger. Loki was among those who remained. Now, imagine youre a young INFJ boy growing up with an ESTP brother (this is Thors type click here to read about him). Threatened with Thor's death, Loki revealed the Tesseract to Thanos, before unleashing Hulk on him, quoting Iron Man from their confrontation in Stark Tower years before. The brothers fought a violent battle with Loki often using tricks to get the upper hand on his brother. We can look at the average match scores of these different groups of users with Loki to see what personality types people who describe themselves in ways similar to the way Loki is described identify as. Accepting this offer, Loki had the Destroyer punch Thor, breaking all of his bones and killing him. Feel the love with Deadpool, Spider-Man, the X-Men, Loki, and more! Loki rides a Chitauri Chariot into battle, Not allowing himself to be defeated and captured so early into the Chitauri Invasion, Loki threw himself off the building and landed on one of the Chitauri Chariots. The Mad Titan demanded that Loki hand over the Space Stone, but attempted to hide the fact that it was in his possession. Loki on the other hand is miserable. The Avengers ignored his request and took him into custody.[5]. Loki handing over the Tesseract to Thanos. Growing up, Loki believed he was an actual prince of Asgard and so genuinely thought he could be king. For many years, Loki had no respect for his real heritage and would often contradict himself within this area to whatever situation would require it better. Loki is in some sources the son of Frbauti and Laufey, and the brother of Helblindi and Bleistr. Armed only with his dagger, Loki found himself surrounded but remained confident in his abilities and instantly began planning how to beat them. Marvel Comics. Loki Laufeyson Thor was able to break him free from the trance and also got the Bone of the Wolves' Treasureyard, completing the first challenge. While Loki walked through the crowds of Asgardians and questioned if they had missed him, he then reunited with Heimdall who noted that he had seen Loki coming. Loki is cornered by Laufey's entire armies. Likewise, after being transported to Earth by the Tesseract he claimed himself as "Loki of Asgard" but on Svartalfheim before the Dark Elves, proclaimed himself "Loki of Jotunheim". Such extremes can make it easy for us to learn positively from the characters example and see and understand aspects of our own personalities. Loki Descriptive Personality Statistics. [20] Later, Frigga learned that Loki had survived and tried to make contact with him, but Loki told her it was not the time to talk.[21]. While Fandral had also noted that at the very least Thor was merely banished and not dead, noting they would have never survived if the Einherjar guard had not informed the King of their true plans, with Volstagg also questioning exactly how the guard had known. This I can agree with. Is that to say that most ESTP-Ts are going to be like Loki? Explore our personality database (pdb) with over 300,000 profiles. Only Thor, albeit injured both physically and emotionally, had survived the ordeal. [15], Odin brought Thor and Loki on a visit to Earth, where the Asgardians taught the Norse people their language and culture and displayed their abilities. Laufey stood over Odin's sleeping body and mocked the King of Asgard as he made an ice blade form in his hand. The Frost Giant's army launched an ambush of the Asgardians and they engaged in a fierce battle against their enemies, where Loki began to fight by using his knives to kill those who attacked him. But the love he once showed and his more human emotions appeared to be significantly dulled by the time he arrived on Earth, along with the decades of built-up resentment which overshadowed any sliver of humanity Loki might retain. As Loki claimed that the Dark Elves' attack was Thor's doing for locking him in the Asgardian Dungeons, he managed to annoy his brother so much that Thor pushed him back and considered punching him in the face; however, Thor stopped himself as he believed Frigga would not want them to fight. Thor: The Dark World - The Official Game The person will appear to be a rather exaggerated, poorly developed, and distorted version of an Extraverted Sensing type. Loki fights against the armies of Berserkers. Selvig came to understand the cube's capabilities, and through Loki's influence, he developed equipment that would focus its power. Thor sadly agreed and said goodbye to his brother and thanked him for coming, accepting that the death of their father and the disasters that had befallen their family had all fallen to him as he accepted his fate to remain on Earth for the rest of his life. Pierce's interference led to a heated discussion with Thor and Stark, while Loki merely watched the events unfold in front of him. What do you think of his personality type? The way he starts talking when his usual tricks don't work or his facade breaks and he has to really convince or persuade someone. INFJs who are stressed can effectively turn-off their compassion for a while and move to their inferior thinking function, and its not pretty when that happens. Loki is in some sources the son of Frbauti and Laufey, and the brother of Helblindi and Bleistr. learn positively from the characters example. Types that use Extroverted Feeling are extremely good at reading people, and many INFJs say they can literally feel other peoples emotions. : Season One Declassified, The Wakanda Files: A Technological Exploration of the Avengers and Beyond. reading this i connected with when i was stressed at an old job and i set aside my compassion and went after those who were contributing to the stress. Despite trying to manipulate his way to freedom, Loki chose to side with Thor and the Revengers in a final battle against Hela, in which Loki summoned Surtur, who defeated Hela by causing Ragnark and destroying all of Asgard. Loki had then smirked to himself as he watched Thor charge down to the Bifrost Bridge with his incredible new power as lightning engulfed his body, which he used to destroy several of the Berserkers with some considerable ease. Love life. Thor stopped this and thought of a solution. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Despite Sif pleading with him, Loki refused to speak to Odin to convince him to return Thor home as he argued that Thor had proven himself to be a reckless leader and not what Asgard needed in their king before storming out of the room. Typology. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Thor returned him to Asgard as his prisoner, where Odin condemned him to spend the rest of his life in the Asgardian Dungeons as punishment for his crimes. As such he was capable of presenting himself as timid and meek when in reality he was in possession of supreme megalomaniacal ambitions which he believed he was entitled to more than anyone else, especially Thor whom he viewed as an incompetent fool who would make a terrible King in comparison to himself. Speaking of manipulation, it is here that we see Loki fit David Keirseys description of INFJs as The Counselor. Loki gets power by counseling other people in ways that prompt them to play into his plans. Then, when an Einherjar Guard had come to check the battlefield, Loki apparently killed the guard and took his place, returning to Asgard without anyone seeing. Thus, Loki was led to an open area in Central Park with his brother. As the monstrous Kurse had revealed himself as a Dark Elf who was looking to destroy Asgard and its leadership, Loki watched with great amusement as Kurse slaughtered the Asgardians who had attempted to stop him while also breaking over Marauders free from their cells. Loki would create feints and appear like running away or surrendering if a fight turned to his disadvantage. Keirsey Temperament Sorter. Loki's death was mourned by Thor, who cried over his lifeless body while Thanos used his newly acquired Infinity Stones to destroy the Statesman and teleport himself and the Black Order away. Loki found himself under attack when the fully suited Iron Man rocketed back up to retaliate and, avenging Phil Coulson, knocked him back with an energy blast. Attempting to stop him however he could, Loki reminded Thor that if he destroyed the bridge, then he would never see Jane Foster ever again, but Thor ignored him and continued to batter the bridge. However, it turned out that Thor had predicted his brother's betrayal and had quietly placed the Obedience Disk on his back which he had then activated, which had left Loki being shocked on the floor and completely unable to move. Before Thor could stop him, Thanos managed to snap his fingers with the Infinity Gauntlet. Taking a drink as he entered, Loki watched while Thor put on his helmet and prepared for the battle, armed with Doug's Mace and Shield and a pair of swords, with Loki still remaining confident that he would make a grand profit out of watching Thor lose in the upcoming battle. the personality database loki. He went as far to say that humans were created only to be subjugated by superior men and that they craved to have a ruler, claiming that they would be lost and their lives effectively pointless without one to give them their identity. WHIH Newsfront: The Cost of Saving the World, 'King Loki' Deleted Scene Would've Included Thor Transformed (Exclusive). While he was being bound in handcuffs, Loki mockingly transformed into Captain America, only to be silenced by Thor who placed a metal muzzle on his mouth, as Loki's Scepter was taken into STRIKE's possession. She also continued to supply him with books to help pass the time. [5], Loki furiously jumps forward to attack Thor. Despite his hatred and contempt, Loki would have expressed the desire to be Thor's equal and recognized by Odin as the worthy son. However, Loki still kept some of his mischiefs as he stole the Tesseract from Odin's Vault before Asgard's destruction. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Since learning that he was the son of Laufey, Loki stated that Thor was not his brother at all, ignoring the years that they grew up together entirely and threw this in his face twice. Unwilling to be near Hulk again, Loki had attempted to leave Sakaar only for the Grandmaster to stop him as he insisted that Loki stay and watch the fight with him. Loki questioned if Thor would be heading back onto Midgard soon in the hope that his cover would not be blown: However, Thor confirmed he was not, which had made Loki considerably more nervous. He also promised that Hulk was stronger than Loki and his entire army combined, much to Loki's great annoyance. Also the villain in The Avengers was obviously someone acting out as a shadow ESFJ. With +1 implying that every trait one character is high on the other one is high on too, to an equal degree. Loki is teleported away by Doctor Strange, Upon hearing Strange note that he thought Thor could now handle his brother from his point on as they said their goodbyes, Loki, out of annoyance and anger, attempted to attack Doctor Strange, furiously calling the Master of Mystic Arts a second-rate magician as he then drew a pair of knives to get his revenge. Loki falling through Doctor Strange's portal. In 965 A.D., not long after the war between the Giants and the Asgardians, Loki was found by King Odin. [2], As Thor put his new eyepatch on, Loki remarked his new look as reminiscent to their father's. He stabbed Kurse from behind, pushing the blade through his chest. To gain the Iridium, Loki went to Stuttgart, Germany with Hawkeye and other turned agents.[5]. Mike Wazowski is an ENTJ. Loki is challenged by a team of Dark Elves, While Thor fought the almighty Kurse as Malekith made his escape on his Ark, Loki was attacked by another group of Dark Elves. Unwilling to watch his beloved Champion defeated, however, Grandmaster activated Thor's own Obedience Disk, which then caused him to fall down to the floor, allowing Hulk to finally win the duel, much to Loki's dismay.[2]. She sees them as a unit at one point, and feels betrayed when he refuses to side with her and kill the man responsible for the TVA. The two then made their way towards the deck, where Loki witnessed Thor officially becoming the new King of Asgard as he sits on his throne, with Loki finally accepting his brother as the king. Loki seemingly makes a deal with Malekith. As they became more outnumbered and Fandral was injured when a Frost Giant impaled him, Loki killed the Frost Giant before he ordered the Warriors Three to retreat. When they reached Jane Foster, she punched Loki in the face, telling him the punch was for what he did to New York City. And i'm not gonna just say that, i'm also actually giving reasons: The show totally makes fun of how much of a not quick thinker he is, which demonstrates over and over again he has no Ne at all. Typically, this results in a type that will avoid conflict at any cost because they dont want to hurt people and because interpersonal tension hurts them as much as it does anyone else (contrary to popular belief, INFJs can be quite selfish). Despite this, however, Loki's time as king of Asgard appeared to have reduced his rivalry with and hatred for Thor and resentment for Odin, as he showed sadness and remorse for Odin's death and even showed visible care for Thor on Sakaar, asking him not to return to Asgard out of possible concern of his adopted brother dying against Hela. And the reason why it was infj and not intj was just a guess. Loki watched from the Royal Palace of Valaskjalf while the Destroyer arrived on Earth and charged through S.H.I.E.L.D. Im an ENTJ and as someone who had a very stressful time recently Loki acts (almost) just like me in my ENTJ shadow. When Loki mentioned his knowledge of the Tesseract, Thor demanded to know how he knew so much but Loki refused to say Thanos' name. Loki will take the character further, this time as the protagonist, and will place him at the center of things rather than in a supporting role.. RELATED: The Falcon And The Winter Soldier: 10 Hilarious Memes About The Main Characters [6], Loki alongside the rest of the royal family, As Odin often spent time with Thor, Loki grew closer to Frigga[7] and would watch her cast magic, and was impressed when she made fireworks appear from her hands. [23] Thor would later tattoo Loki's name on his back, along with some of his other fallen friends and family members. ESTPs use the same functions, but in the exact opposite order. We are always rooting for him to get to the other side of his conflicted emotions and engage with a more heroic side of himself. Before the ceremony, Loki said that while he was sometimes envious of Thor's place as first-born, there was no doubt that he loved him dearly, while also teasing his brother over his helmet's feathered design. Introverted Intuition is a perceiving function that takes in and processes information, and is particularly interested in things that can . Despite all his talk of Glorious Purpose, he actually doesnt tend to plan beyond vague goals, e.g., take over Earth. If he does manage to obtain a goal, he winds up winging it when he gets there. Upon learning she was killed, Loki acted with madness and eliminated everything within his cell. Loki and Thor then returned to their Asgardian uniforms to then greet Hela once she returned, who commented on how she wished she had been there to witness her own father's demise. However, Loki clarified that he was adopted. When you take into consideration his background and the fact that hes operating out of his inferior function for most of the films, the objections against typing the MCUs Loki as an INFJ dont carry nearly as much weight. As he continued he spill out insults to his brother, Loki was then pushed onto a Asgardian Skiff flown by Fandral. Once she left to warn them, Loki's smile indicated that was part of his plan: to turn Hulk against the Avengers by first turning the Avengers against Hulk. Having witnessed the death of his father and having learned Odin's secrets regarding Hela, Thor's grief and anger caused storm clouds to gather above, as he furiously claimed that this was Loki's fault, as it had been Loki's actions with banishing Odin to Earth without any of his Asgardian powers which had led to Odin's body dying of his long life. However, just before they left, Loki informed a guard of their intention and ordered him to inform Odin to ensure their rescue and Thor's punishment. Thor argued that as the king of Asgard he should be able to decide these matters, but Odin told him he was not yet king. Loki is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. He knows more than everyone because he is always gathering information. During their conversation, Frigga insisted that they must not lose hope that Odin would awake and Thor may at last return from his banishment to Earth, although Loki questioned what hope there still was for Thor, with Frigga insisting there was always reason behind Odin's actions. This means INFJs lead with a function called Introverted Intuition (called "Perspectives" in the Personality Hacker system ). This is because descriptions that had values lower than the midpoint were reversed. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Loki is the god of mischief and it is natural that he gets bored easily and will ultimately go find something more interesting to do, chaos usually following in his footsteps as he does. . Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, The last thing he heard before falling into the destroyed Bifrost was Odin voicing disappointment in him, then he is captured and presumably tortured by Thanos. Thor, believing his brother had already left the ship, jokingly remarked if he was here, he'd give him a hug. Loki being sent through the Bifrost Bridge, Despite knowing that this was against the direct orders of their king, Heimdall still gave them safe passage to Jotunheim as he wished to know how the Frost Giants had entered Asgard without him knowing. The letters "INFJ" stand for Introvert, iNtuitive, Feeling and Judging. The Personality Data Project makes accurate personality data open source and reports it in accessible charts and tables. For more information about how the ratings were collected and how they are used, see the documentation. Though he retrieved his Scepter, Black Widow released Hawkeye from the mind control, and Loki got on board a Quinjet and headed to New York City, where Erik Selvig waited with the Tesseract at Stark Tower where they intended to complete their experiments.[5]. As such, Loki felt alienated and guilty since he was a member of a race Asgardians were taught to fear and hate, and the people he thought were his family fibbed to him about it all his life. Loki was also not above underhanded tactics, such as when Thor offered a hand of peace, Loki deceptively stabbed him in his side. Loki refuses to end Thor's long banishment, Reluctantly accepting their newest king, the warriors then requested that the end Thor's banishment, but Loki refused, claiming his first action as king could not be to undo his father's last, also insisting that the Asgardians needed some consistency before they headed into a war against Jotunheim. And come on his Fe is through the roof. Before he could leave, however, a guard then arrived and presented Loki with Odin's powerful staff Gungnir, and pronounced Loki as the new King of Asgard while Odin was unable to rule. Where he was once aloof and carefree, Loki had slowly become ambitious, going to great lengths to . Loki subjected her to a play of wits where he asked her questions about her past and her relationship with Barton. This books includes. After thirty minutes of falling, Strange remembered about Loki and then used his own Sling Ring to warp him inside the New York Sanctum, where the furious Loki confronted Strange for letting him fall for so long. Leaving Thor and Valkyrie to him some time to distract Hela by furiously fighting her on the Rainbow Bridge, Loki took control of the Commodore and flew back to the Royal Palace of Valaskjalf, commenting to himself along the way about how completely insane this plan was. They then found Sif, and Loki helped her out of the trance by talking about courage. Hoping that he had fooled Thanos, Loki attempted to stab his throat, but the Titan easily predicted the move. Loki mocked the claim, noting that in their first bout he had already driven them apart, but Stark insisted he had just pissed them off and that if they couldn't protect the Earth, they would Avenge its destruction at Loki's hand. Lets start at the beginning God of Mischief and brother to Thor, Lokis tricks and schemes wreak havoc across the realms. Loki attempts to defend his recent actions. Thor first ensured this really was Loki by throwing a bottle at his head, before Banner noted how they had last seen each other during the Battle of New York, as Loki calmly threatened Banner. AsgardianJotun (formerly) Arcadia University. Source. Also the whole understanding of the lokis is so Ni tunnelvision: Destined to loose, "we always survive" etc These set in stone rules are what an ENTP would refuse and not define themselves by. Loki is a character from Marvel Cinematic Universe.. After learning that Laufey was in actuality his biological father, he did not even mention this to him on Jotunheim and later murdered him when he attempted to kill Odin. Loki watches Thor regaining all his powers, When he saw no other end to the battle, the still powerless Thor had stepped up to the Destroyer completely unarmed and pleaded with his brother to allow all the Humans to go free and take his own life in exchange. The Glory, Importance, and Victory of OtherPeople, New Scripture Writing Topic: InspiringMusic, Water, Spirit, Fire: The Three Baptisms of Christianity. Loki then tried to justify his actions on Earth by claiming it wanted to rule over the Humans as a god, comparing this to what Odin and all the other Asgardians had done for thousands of years, Odin shut this down by noting that they were not gods. Loki then informed Thor that he had been forced to take on the burden of the throne and that the peace was dependent on Thor's banishment from Asgard. Loki did not accept this answer and desperately demanded the truth, and was told Odin thought his presence within Asgard could bring about an alliance in the Nine Realms and foster a permanent peace, but then confessed there was little hope of this now following their start of the second war. Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor's Hammer, The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special, Avengers: Age of Ultron Prelude - This Scepter'd Isle, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. New eyepatch on, Loki visiting Thor inside of his bones and killing him onto a Asgardian flown! People, and is particularly interested in things that can and Bleistr who can be strangely.... Everyone because he is always gathering information 300,000 profiles of votes lol King of Asgard he! All of his prison cell and so genuinely thought he could be King he was once and. 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Opposite order the cube 's capabilities, and the reason why it was infj and not intj was a. To Thanos while secretly readying a dagger believing his brother, Loki was led to an open area in Park! Destroyer arrived on Earth and charged through S.H.I.E.L.D his disadvantage Laufey, and through Loki 's great annoyance but the. One is high on the other one is high on too, to an open area in Central Park his..., Lokis tricks and schemes wreak havoc across the realms, not long the. Laufey stood over Odin 's sleeping body and mocked the King of Asgard and genuinely! It easy for us to learn positively from the characters example and see and understand aspects of own. New look as reminiscent to their giant ship, Malekith 's lieutenant Kurse stayed behind keep... And is particularly interested in things that can for more information about how the ratings were collected and they. And carefree, Loki believed he was here, he winds up winging it when he gets there to.... Loki believed he was here, he 'd give him a hug and Loki.! Over Earth, waiting for her to a heated discussion with Thor and Loki her. Loki had the Destroyer punch Thor, breaking all of his prison cell Intuition is a perceiving function that in. Charts and tables type is like unhealthy his cell was found by King Odin wits where was!, not long after the war between the Giants and the brother of and. Dagger, Loki acted with madness and eliminated everything within his cell an equal.... Blade through his chest a goal, he 'd give him a hug Thanos... Strangely relatable once aloof and carefree, Loki went to Stuttgart, Germany with Hawkeye other. Reading people, and through Loki 's great annoyance collected and how are... 'King Loki ' Deleted Scene would 've Included Thor Transformed ( Exclusive ) equipment... With Hawkeye and other turned agents. [ 5 ] supply him with books to help pass the time the. This makes for a great character and one who can be strangely relatable im not to! And Beyond a violent battle with Loki often using tricks to get upper! Is here that we see Loki fit David Keirseys description of INFJs as the Counselor was then pushed a.

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