#1: She always has to be right. It then blows up. Margaret was shown to be very religious and very creepy. When she told her mother, however, Margaret would scold her again for believing the others were right in "God's eyes", telling her she was committing a sin and or throw her into the closet. Carrie then falls asleep in the closet shortly afterward. For the mere reason of having telekinesis, she then tells her she is a witch and that witches should die, according to God. At the gym, Carrie was well received by Frieda Jason, who complimented her dress, while Norma and Freddy DeLois mocked her and the others noticed how different she looked. WebIn that same vein, I think Carrie's mother is someone who allowed herself to still be "controlled" by men even though she no longer allowed men in her own life. In fact, her abusiveness comes precisely from the fact that she does love her daughter so much and wants to do anything to protect her from harm. Margaret then tormented, slapped, pushed, pulled and threw Carrie into the closet and Carrie became vulgar with her mother. Margaret invited Carrie into one last prayer, and as the girl recited the Lord's prayer, comforted in her arms, Margaret stabbed her in the back. Whos laughing now, Mom? Carrie went to the library to search about "miracles" and was led to better understandingof her gift. One of the best parts of the novel Carrie is Carrie's dramatic inner conflict about whether or not she should go to prom. She studied "the body language of people being stoned for their sins", starting or ending every scene in one of those positions. Carrie makes a red dress for the Prom instead of pink, as depicted in the films. But not one of her calls ever went through. Female At the beginning of the film, Carrie has her first period in the showers and is harassed by Chris and her gang. Serving as the primary love interest for Carrie Bradshaw, Sebastian comes from a wealthy family and has recently transferred to the local high school after being kicked out of his previous boarding school for sleeping with one of his teachers, in which Carrie's Sue, who had been following the trail of destruction caused by Carrie in hopes of tracking her down to stop her rampage, finally arrived a short time later only to find Carrie nearly dead on the ground in the burning lot. Margaret is seen glaring behind the bushes, when she sees Carrie going with Tommy in a limo. However, little did Carrie or anyone else know was that she was walking into a vile prank initiated by another girl in her class, Chris Hargensen, the main leader of Carrie's tormentors who ruthlessly bullied her, as well as all her life. Serving as the titular main villainous protagonist of Stephen King's first horror novel, Carrie, its three film adaptations Carrie film, Carrie TV Film and Carrie 2013 remake, a mentioned character in The Dead Zone and IT, and a posthumous character in The Rage: Carrie 2. Much for her rejoice, the couple was elected King and Queen of the Prom. On prom night, Carrie kills many of her classmates by willing their bodies into walls, and sparking electrocutions and fires with her brain. Carrie set about locking all the Prom goers inside the gym, teachers and students alike by telekinetically sealing the gymnasium doors, slamming them shut all at once. Margaret ultimately became extremely co-dependent on her daughter, Carrie who was trapped within the unhealthy and sick world Margaret had created for them both. She telekinetically pushes her mother into the closet and locks the door (in addition, she somehow welds the lock). For the very first time in her young life, Carrie honestly looked and felt pretty, which was alien to her. Meanwhile, in the 2013 movie, during almost every scene, she expresses how much she loves Carrie. Status Carrie rolled downstairs, unable to stand up and run, as her insane mother approached her, ready to kill "the demon". And as a result, Carrie has become somewhat of an "urban legend" even though the telekinesis part of the story is not taken too seriously, and looked at as a "suicide-revenge" type thing. Since Carrie had no previous knowledge about the concept of menstruation the students rejection of Carrie became even fiercer. Sue wakes up screaming revealing that the arm was her mother's. Margaret was very evil and abusive to her daughter, Carrie. When Tommy asks her if they want to vote for themselves, Carrie is unimpressed. Sue appears shortly afterwards, but is held in the grasp of Carrie. WebA slave on the Weylin estate, Carrie is Sarah s daughter and the only child Sarah has left (as the others have been sold). Margaret believes this is a sin and tried to "cleanse" Carrie by stabbing her, but Carrie instinctively uses her telekinesis to protect herself. But when Carrie told her mother about the Prom offer, Margaret threw tea onto Carrie's face and ranted. After the events of the prom, Carrie visits her grave for the first and last time and before she goes with Sue to Florida. She was born in 1966, according to grave marker at the end of the film. Sissy Spacek was crowned Homecoming Queen in her teenage years. Margaret lived with her parents John and Judith Brigham in Motton, Maine until 1960, when she moved to Chamberlain with Ralph White. Carrie, however, refused and, as her powers caused their windows to beat, was called a "witch" by a horrified Margaret. Like Barbara Lang, she too suffers from mental illness, however, unlike Margaret, Barbara is more laid-back, as she does not abuse her daughter. She last wrote to her mother on August 19th, 1962 and later, became pregnant on December of 1962, though she was convinced that she was afflicted with "cancer of the womanly parts". Once when Carrie was at the school picnic, she bent down to pray and the seam of her skirt ripped so loudly that the crack of her butt was being shown, causing everyone to laugh at her. However after Chris's video of her having her period appears on screen, Carrie realizes she has been made a fool of and reaches her final breaking point. When she gets the call, that Carrie had her period, she slaps Carrie at home and drags her into the closet, where she has to pray because of she is guilty of Eve's Disobedience (women are punished by God for Eve eating from the forbidden tree and then encouraging Adam to do so). She was ready to face more hours locked in that dark, lonely closet praying endlessly for the rest of her life as she had always done before. The hotel phone required guests to dial a Age Mostly due to limited budget, several aspects from the original script were changed, such as: In the original ending, Carrie is visited by Sue after she kills her mother and confronts her. She feels amazing, as if her whole life has led to this moment. But Carries hurt pretty badly herself. Margaret insisted for Carrie to stay and they could burn their dress, because her classmates would laugh at her. However, unlike the book and its 1976 film adaptation, she survives in the two later films. As Carrie walked home barefoot, she left a path of destruction and death in her wake: she "flexed" her mind as hard as she could and made local gas mains at numerous corner stations explode, and let the broken pumps leak the spilled gasoline into the roads. She stabs Carrie in Despite being the main antagonist, she wasn't revealed to be the true villain until the very end. Soon, Miss Desjardin came over to the table at which Carrie sat and told her the story about her own Prom experience. However, she also entered a comatose state because of the murder attempt of her mother on her. Carrie then peered into the windows and watched students' faces smashed up against the glass like fish in an aquarium, seeing this made her laugh. When Carrie received the ballots for King and Queen, she noticed that they were there as candidates. Carrie finds out about the truth behind her Prom attendance after her mind is bonded to. Margaret then tried to hit Carrie again, but Carrie used her hidden telekinetic powers to stop her mother's hand in mid-air. Chris then had her friends rig the ballots for Prom King and Queen to ensure that Carrie and Tommy would win the contest. Carrie also tried on matching high-heel shoes and a lovely corsage to complete the look. Indeed, Carrie was at the bottom of the social pyramid, but what no one knew, not even her mother, was that Carrie White was no ordinary girl, as she had been blessed or cursed, with hidden telekinetic and telepathic powers that were dormant during her youth, but brought to full force by the time she was in high school after she unexpectedly had her first period in the girl's locker room. Carrie's powers were strong even when she was a small child and she was also able to read other people's minds and inner thoughts when they were close enough to her, namely Miss Desjardin, the gym teacher, who secretly felt both disgusted and pity for the young girl. In the beginning of the movie, the Bible is in a puddle of water. by Carolyn Steber. When arriving at the Senior Prom, Carrie was dazzled by all the glamour surrounding her, and as the night progressed, Carrie's nerves began to fade and she felt comfortable while opening up to her peers and even made a few small jokes with some of the Prom goers who finally treated her equally and with respect for once. She also threatened Carrie with a butcher knife. She is asked to the prom by Tommy but thinks it is a trick and is confronted again while walking home. Margaret Whites self-harm in the original version seemed like a ploy to increase the fear of her daughter. Age This portrayal of Margaret closely resembles to that of Piper Laurie's in the 1976 adaptation. But regardless of the iteration, Carrie has been vilified by the surviving residents of Chamberlain, Maine only because she chose to fight back against the constant, collective tormenting and bullying in a way that most people cannot understand or comprehend. Her mother lets her out and asks Carrie if she finished praying. Carrie's headstone makes a cameo appearance in the novel of IT, which also takes place in Maine. Enraged, Carrie used her powers to close every door of the gym, locking everyone in, and turned the lights red. Getty Images/LaylaBird/E+/Getty Images. "Mom, I don't think this is a safe place for you anymore. On the evening of the Prom, Carrie prepared for the night and tried on the elegant and authentic Prom gown she made. Carrie has a slender figure in the films while in the novel, she is described as an overweight girl. After years of going back and forth, I cut my mother cleanly out of my life, 13 years before she died. Finallythe incident also became in time some kind of "Urban Legend" in the town. Winter 1979 She had even tried to take part in the other camp's activities, but the jokes never stopped playing on "old praying, fart face Carrie", until she had come home on the bus a week early, her eyes, red and socket from weeping. Carrie is picked up by her mother, Margaret, and at home dragged into the closet to pray. Margaret had hit an artery, causing Carrie much pain as she began to bleed heavily. At home, Carrie's life was just as awful. At 1:39:59 in this alternate ending, there is a 'hidden' frame with Carrie, still in her prom dress, covered in blood, holding Sue's baby. Margaret then gasps air-less, while Carrie frees her from this position and later dies in Carrie's arms. In the sudden, brief silence, she heard something within her turn over. Margaret ordered Carrie to go to the closet to pray, but Carrie refused. Born Carrie then stays with her as the house gets crushed and sinks into the ground, presumably killing Carrie, too. At school, Carrie was made fun of by her peers and classmates into submission on a daily basis. Miss Collins, though worried, encouraged the girl by emphasizing how pretty she actually looked. Margaret and Carrie did not see each other again until much later in the evening, when Carrie returned home, dripping with pigs blood from head to toe, Margaret had finally lost her sanity and managed to hide the knife under her dress. September 21, 1963 Carrie yelled that it was not her name and his ashtray fell off his desk as if it moved by itself. In the novel, Carrie White is described as being slightly unattractive, she is a "frog among swans". Carrie brings her down and cries because of what she has done, while Margaret is still alive. what was he called. For all of her lonely childhood and misunderstood teenage life, Carrie, an only child, whose father abandoned his family and later died in a construction accident, was disciplined for being taken by curses and secretly abused and beaten into submission and mistreated by her mentally ill religiously fanatical mother for everything on a daily basis. Family information Perhaps the biggest difference between this depiction of Margaret and the earlier versions is how much she genuinely loves Carrie. An autopsy is performed on Carrie's body. After the death of 73 high school students in 1979, many people since then have left the town. These last thoughts made Carrie suddenly snap. Carrie (2013) It's then, when Carrie first shows her power by slamming a door in front of her. Finished, Carrie thanked her mother and went upstairs. Over time, Margaret berated and abused Carrie every day for sins the child may or may not have committed and she would often make the child repeat passages out of one of her many religious books or hit and beat Carrie with them. Throughout much of the movie, there were segments where different characters gave their accounts of the Ewen High prom night incident. She also is very mad. Whether it was her really miscarrying Tommy's baby or just a period caused by a side-effect from Sue's and Carrie's brief telepathic connection is unknown. She then throws Margaret softly on the ground, as Margaret mourns. Shock. Carrie, in pain and slowly dying from her injuries, blamed Sue for the prank. Biographical information She has an affair with Big while he's married to Natasha and she's seriously dating Aidan, and somehow winds up feeling the most sorry for herself. Carrie manifests her powers in a state of trance (seen only in the 2002 film), while in the novel, she kills her bullies more consciously. Both are shocked. She locks her in the closet and orders her to pray for "forgiveness" when she learns about the shower incident, because she said it was a "curse" for Eve's disobedience offering Adam the fruit and creating the original sin. She evidently has the presence of mind to "fall" and not hurt herself too much. Margaret then passes by the hallway, without Carrie noticing. When Carrie gets home after destroying the prom and killing Chris and Billy, she walks upstairs and calls for Margaret. Carrie then telekinetically flies away from her, but she doesn't stop. Carrie's father Ralph, had another daughter named Rachel Lang, who was also a carrier of telekinesis. The school was rebuilt elsewhere in Chamberlain and the ruins of the former school are still there. Movie info Knowing she was responsible for what had happened to Ewen High and downtown Chamberlain, Billy tried to run Carrie down with his car to kill her. Due to seeing that orange haze in the sky from the flames burning all throughout the town, Margaret had come to believe the Devil had truly come to Chamberlain to collect Carrie's soul. Carrie's story becomes a controversial and highly discussed subject. When the cables writhed in the puddles of water, there was a violent flash, like lightning and everyone was screaming all at once as they were killed. In sports, Carrie was always missing the ball, even in kickball or clumsily running into the net during volleyball. Carrie (1976) More of Carrie's telekinetic abilities were demonstrated on that same day. On August 17th, 1966, her house was deluged with stones from the sky, which were brought on by Carrie's telekinetic power after she punished her particularly hard. Before Carrie could make it to the exit, she was deliberately tripped by someone in the crowd and fell, causing the laughter to grow even louder. Carrie's powers then manifested on the loose, bringing the house down over her. Afraid that her mother would come and caught him at their door, Carrie accepted at last. This tragic event later lead to The Black Party. While Carrie is at prom Margaret slams her arm out of the crack. class, Carrie gets confronted by her classmates and gets her first period. Sue felt guilty for her mistreatment towards Carrie and honestly wanted to make it up to her by becoming her and deciding to sacrifice herself from going to the Prom and let Carrie take her potential Prom date. Stephen King states that the character of Carietta White, was based off of two real girls who he knew in his adolescent years while in grade school, both girls were bullied very much and one of them, like Carrie, had a fanatically religious mother. Carrie is so controlled by her mother she is even forced to wear unbecoming and outdated clothes and forbidden to wear the color red, as Margaret believed that red was "the Devil's color". It has become a sick and twisted memorial of that doomed night, and a painful reminder to the community of what happened in their town all those years ago. It is implied, she has decided to kill her daughter to "free her of Satan". As Carrie fell down to her knees to weep and pray with her mother, Margaret stabbed her daughter in the shoulder; the blade went all the way into Carrie's shoulder with only the handle visible. As Tommy arrived, Carrie mentally telekinetically pushed her mother onto the bed to contain her, and left after saying she loved her. That same day, she was contacted through a telephone about Carrie's ordeal from school and began to violently beat Carrie when she returned home from work. CarriettaN. White, best known as Carrie White is a protagonist villain, and anti-villain of the Stephen King multiverse. We learn that Sue had a mental breakdown and was put into a mental hospital due to the guilt of what happened to Carrie, Tommy Ross and all the other students she knew back in 1979. Originally Published: Feb. 8, 2018. Miss Collins was forced to slap her on the face and apologized, comforting her. WebCarrie instantly feels she has been wronged, and begins to question whether her life would have been different should she have had a college education. She strips off her bloody clothes and takes a bath, washing off the blood. When Fisher died at age 60, her mother and brother were left to plan her funeral, and during the preparations, Reynolds passed away from a stroke, some believe to have been caused by grief. Carrie mercilessly left the remaining Prom goers trapped inside with the now-dead Tommy to be consumed by the hellish inferno created by her telekinetic abilities and the rest was history. Carrie questioned why she was not told by Carrie who called or was telling the girls laughed at her over her ignorance. Sue witnesses this from outside. Carrie then left the house afterwards. She manages to slash Carrie's arm and then right as she is about to stab Carrie in the face, Carrie lifts her up. It is not an official remake of Brian De Palma's 1976 horror movie. Tricked once again, Carrie was going to simply accept what had happened and shamefully return back to her home to admit to her mother she'd been right after all. She was a strong woman and a Christian fanatic. "POWER" and oh, what a word that was! For the shower scene, Sissy Spacek was told to react to the blood as if she was "hit by a truck". During a dramatic sequence interspersed with Lily's (Cathy Ang) piano concert, Mr. Big was seen going hard at his spin class, before keeling over near the shower. One of the best parts of the novel Carrie is Carrie's dramatic inner conflict about whether or not she should go to prom. She would also scratch, punch, pull out her own hair or otherwise hurt herself in order to compel Carrie to agree with her and obey her ridiculous rules. Margaret White is played by Julianne Moore in the 2013 adaptation. The survivors got out just in time before being electrocuted and burned to death with everyone else still inside. So as for revenge, Chris had her abusive and greaser boyfriend, Billy Nolan, who was the leader of a dangerous gang in Chamberlain and a few of their friends, partake in the plot against Carrie to embarrass her in front of the entire school. Margaret is seen with her head down in the house while looking at a cross on the wall. Carrie reveals her power to her mother by lifting up all the furniture and her mother off the floor. Carrie returns home where she finds that her mother has escaped the closet and has gotten hold of a kitchen knife. After crying out for her mother, Carrie died in Sue's arms and as her body began to shut down, Sue also felt Carrie dying and experienced her death as well due to their psychic connection minutes prior. Margaret, thinking that Carrie was possessed by the Devil himself, carefully took out Ralph's old kitchen butcher knife from the folds of her dress so Carrie couldn't see. Perhaps only her soul. Carrie is shocked and stares at Tommy in disbelief. As she walks home, she unleashes her powers on the town as well, destroying several buildings and killing hundreds of people. She has blonde hair and very pale skin. In the aftermath of this version, Carrie did not die, because Sue later came to her place and managed to revive her by performing CPR. With her telekinesis, she made the front door swing wide open and she destroyed all the items in the house as she entered the doorway. Sissy Spacek (1976 movie)Angela Bettis (2002 TV movie)Chlo Grace Moretz (2013 movie)Linzi Hateley (1988 musical)Molly Ranson (2012 musical revival). Movie info Carrie mercilessly eliminated and killed anybody who had ever hurt, neglected or underestimated her before returning home after leaving a path of destruction in her wake to ultimately confront and finally kill her crazy, homicidal mother before dying on that very same night that ended up making national history. Still, a few items on this list may have affected you. In the second section of the story, Carrie attempts to fix herself up on the night of the Prom and makes an effort in enchanting her appearance, she is described as actually looking pretty, for the first time in her entire life. She warns her readers to never forget about Carrie, or the events that occurred in Chamberlain, or something like it could happen all over again. Updated: May 21, 2021. The Black Prom tragedy hits the nation bigger than the J.F.K. whenever Carrie tries to stop her mom from hurting herself, Carries mom slaps Carrie with her Bible and knocks her over. 1932 Carrie, still covered in blood, much of it being her own by now, and one of her bare feet was bleeding from stepping on a broken bottle in the streets, had the intention of finally killing her mother who had been waiting for her daughter to return to her. As Carrie went, a neighbourhood boy cycled across her yelling "Creepy Carrie", and was telekinetically knocked down by Carrie. Tommy invited Carrie for a dance, which she initially declined. Carrie witnessed as Margaret agonized to her death, and screamed in terror over her loss. When Margaret first saw her daughter dressed up in the red gown and revealing her "dirtypillows", she immediately ordered her to take off the gown and burn it, and then she demanded that they do penance together and pray afterward. Getty Images/LaylaBird/E+/Getty Images. Some ways to approach this: 1. Scared, Carrie simply ran away from him. In 2013, Hank Hunt's daughter, Kari, was attacked and killed by her estranged husband in a Marshall, Texas hotel room. Unaware of this, Carrie believed she was bleeding to death and asked for help from the other girls. Perhaps after you have done this for a bit you will not get as upset when she criticizes you. Margaret suggested that Carrie should burn her prom dress and pray for forgiveness with her, but Carrie refused. Margaret then told Carrie about how she considered on killing herself after having intercourse for the first time, her miscarriage and how Carrie was conceived due to marital rape. At first it was funny, until she couldn't get her breath, but the kids kept calling her a "scratch a**" and Carrie got so panicky that she began to scream for air. Margaret was a heavy-set woman with white hair pulled in a tight bun, she always wore black clothing and sported rimless bifocal glasses. Margaret then deduced that "Satan" had began his work on Carrie, but the girl made it clear that it was her power and not Satan. WebUpon her way home, Carrie uses her recently discovered telekinesis to stop a boy from teasing her. In a cold rage, Carrie's mind finally snapped and she returned to the school barefooted and with a sadistic vengeance and a thirst for bloody revenge. Once outside and alone, Carrie began to weep upon the grass on the front lawn of the school's campus. Margaret finally told Carrie that she would not allow her daughter to engage in such sinfulness after all she'd been taught. While many people have narcissistic traits, only a few are true narcissists. However, Carrie felt the car approaching and wrestled the oncoming vehicle with her telekinesis and violently slammed it full force into the roadhouse. Carrie is also the granddaughter of John and Judith Brigham, the step-granddaughter of Harold Allison and the great-granddaughter of Sadie Cochran. 16 Clocks, dishes, plates, pictures, and other religious objects where tossed and thrown into the air, breaking and shattering as they fell to the floor. Still, Margaret's death continues to haunt Carrie afterwards during her journey to Florida with Sue. Carrie then leaves to go to the prom. Margaret dies the same way as the original Margaret, with house-hold objects stabbing her and being crucified. When Carrie is asked to go to the prom, she tells her not to go, as though it was the end of the world, which forced Carrie to throw her on the bed. She also confessed that Carrie was conceived by marital rape and that she was a punishment from God. The level of Carrie's "un-coolness" and the height of constant and verbal abuse she endured at the hands of her mother and peers and fellow classmates in the novel was far more extreme compared to the versions of the films. Carrie in this version is more similar to the book, but in modern terms. Moore's version of Margaret also self-harms to the extent of breaking her own skin and scratching herself until she bleeds. Margaret Brigham-White, best known as Margaret White is the opening antagonist of the Stephen King multiverse. Carrie admits that she doesnt want to kill herself, she just wants to stop hurting. For the first time since she can remember, Carrie enjoyed herself and Tommy even became romantically attracted to her in secret. Carrie also used her powers to cause several fire hydrants to explode, flooding the streets. They were under her thumb and in her power. While Margaret attempted to recite The Lord's Prayer, her heart came to a complete stop. 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