For productions with the use of our clothes, please send an e-mail to with the filled form below:
Date of use: Date of return: Clothes of interest (Attach the picture of the clothes): Occasion: (Pictures for magazines, events, videoclips, etc – in case of pictures for magazines, please specify which magazine): Artist who will use the clothes:
The BARALDI team will follow up with the cost of borrowing. The cost will also be influenced by the amount of time the clothes will be lent out.
The borrower has full responsibility for returning the clothes clean and in perfect state. In case of the opposite, there will be a charge for any damage and/or cost for cleaning the clothes. In case of irreversible damages, there will be a charge for the full price of the clothes.
In case of interest for partnership, please submit the filled form below as well as the proposal of partnership and the instagram in which it will be posted. The partnership must include the minimum of tagging @bbaraldi and @mariacarolinabb on the post/feed. In the case of partnership, there will be a deposit for the cost of borrowing as normal, which will be returned when the agreed terms of the partnership are accomplished in full. In the case where the partnership is not completed to the full terms, the deposit will not be returned. The full terms will be disclosed in a partnership term that will be signed by both parties.